"Dr. Cornel West says that President Barack Obama doesn't deserve to be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States with his hand on the bible of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "You don't play with Martin Luther King, Jr. and you don't play with his people, said West. "By his people, I mean people of good conscience, fundamentally good people committed to peace and truth and justice, especially the Black tradition that produced it.""* Activist and professor, Dr. Cornel West spoke passionately after the inauguration, saying President Obama doesn't deserve to be sworn in with Martin Luther King Jr's Bible. Why doesn't West see Obama as worthy? How would Obama get along with MLK, if he were still living? Cenk Uygur breaks it down *Read more from News One: newsone.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 7:23
Photos for video Cornell West Goes OFF on Obama (Video)
A gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and opened fire, killing at least 27, among whom 20 were children. In a press conference at the White House, President Obama spoke emotionally of the nation's sorrow for the many victims of the deadly shooting and their families. Do you read or write a language other than English? Help the NewsHour translate Obama's address on the Newtown shooting: bit.ly Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 3:54
Photos for video President Obama Honors Shooting Victims, Families: 'Our Hearts Are Broken Today'
HEAVEN ON EARTH: The Rise and Fall of Socialism "Most of the people in the world today call the name of their dream Socialism." - Michael Harrington, 1968 Much of the history of the past 200 years revolved around a single idea. It was the vision that life could be lived in peace and brotherhood if only property were shared by all and distributed equally, eliminating the source of greed, envy, poverty and strife. This idea was called "socialism" and it was man's most ambitious attempt to supplant religion with a doctrine grounded on science rather than revelation. It became the most popular political idea in history. Its provenance was European, but it spread to China and Africa, India and Latin America and even to that most tradition-bound of regions, the Middle East. While it never fully took root in America, its influence shaped the nation's political debate. At its crest in the 1970s, roughly 60 percent of the earth's population lived under governments that espoused socialism in one form or another. Then, suddenly, it all collapsed. Because its goal proved so elusive, the socialist movement split and split again into diverse, sometimes murderously contradictory forms. There was Social Democracy, which insisted that only peaceful and democratic means could produce a harmonious commonwealth. There was Communism, which extolled the resolute use of force and dictatorship to propel mankind to a new way of life. There was Arab Socialism, African Socialism, and other Third <b>...</b> Author: CornSloppy Duration: 161:33
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Photos for video 100500 фактов - 101 fact #42 - Barack Obama
Did Santorum almost call Obama the N word? www.youtube.com "Did Santorum almost call Obama the N word?" What do you think?? Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Tags: "Rick Santorum (Politician)" "Barack Obama (US President)" Clinton Call Prank word Rick Santorum Visits Janesville Funny do not pass go do collect 200$ Author: hodgetwins Duration: 3:07
Photos for video Did Santorum almost call Obama the N word?
Jon plays the Super Nintendo classic, Super Mario World, as part of a complete Let's Play adventure. Levels played: Vanilla Dome 2, Vanilla Ghost House, Vanilla Dome 3, Vanilla Dome 4, #3 Lemmy's Castle, and Cheese Bridge Area. Episode #5. Part 01 -- bit.ly . . . . . Part 08 -- bit.ly Part... Author: Jon Duration: 18:51
Photos for video Stupid Mario Visits Barack Obama Land -- SMW (5 of 13)
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur speaks with Robert Greenstein (Center on Budget & Policy Priorities) and Dana Milbank (Washington Post) about the proposed budget cut plan from Rep. Paul Ryan (House Budget Committee Chairman). Author: TYTInterviews Duration: 12:16
Photos for video Breakdown of Rep. Ryan Budget Cut Plan
Cracked TV Episode #2 When John McCain and Barack Obama started their campaign trails, millions of Americans instantly knew they needed a box of waffle mix with Obama's likeness plastered on the side. Capitalism at its finest. Author: Cracked Duration: 7:31
Photos for video Elexploitation: 9 Shameless Ways People Milked the Election