First Lady of The United States Michelle Obama arrives at the Capitol building for the Inauguration of her husband, President Barack Obama. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 0:34
Photos for video Michelle Obama Arrives at the Second Inauguration
Share this: OFA.BO Tweet this: OFA.BO As highlighted in Obama for America's new radio ad, retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for re-election last week in an interview with CBS News. Powell enthusiastically cited the President's leadership in bringing us back from the brink of economic collapse, ending the war in Iraq, putting in place a plan to end the war in Afghanistan, and his strong record of fighting terrorism as reasons for his endorsement. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 1:01
Photos for video "Endorsed" - Obama for America Radio Ad
Know someone who needs to see video proof? Many of Mitt Romney's flip-flops all in one video. Video compiled with clips from interviews, news, public appearances, and more. IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAIR USE ACT. Republican presidential political candidate and former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney has been known to say one thing...and then say another. Includes his changed policy stances over the years on universal health care, the auto bailouts, the bank / Wall Street bailouts, pro-choice (abortion) or pro-life, the minimum wage, gay rights, gun rights & the NRA, immigration / amnesty, gay rights, poverty, government spending & laws, social security & Medicare, the Department of No Child Left Behind, lobbyists / lobbying, campaign donations, economic stimulus, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, global warming, stem cell research, raising taxes, the Federal Reserve / Ben Bernanke, and more. Includes guest appearances by: Glen Johnson, Sean Hannity, Barack Obama, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Fred Thompson, Piers Morgan, Tim Russert, Shannon O'Brien, Larry King, Larry Kudlow, Ted Kennedy, Anderson Cooper, Al Sharpton, and others. Author: MiztirE Duration: 19:17
Photos for video The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection
интересные факты присылайте Facebook: мы вконтакте! вступайте будет интересно! :) мы в одноклассниках! вступайте :) Author: vkgio Duration: 2:31
Photos for video 100500 фактов - 101 fact #42 - Barack Obama
Imagine you are sitting at home one day in the near future and you see a letter from the IRS. You open it and see that your family is being fined $2000 because you didn't comply with the "Affordable Care Act" (ie, ObamaCare). You turn to your wife and ask her about it. She states that the family does in fact have health insurance through the States' "health exchange." After a sinuous journey through the IRS labyrinth's voice mail system, you determine that the penalty is because your family was deemed not eligible for the ObamaCare health exchanges. That you should have purchased private health insurance. The reason? Your 13-year-old daughter had been babysitting the next door neighbor's toddler over the summer and the neighbor had claimed the amount on their taxes. Adding this amount to your total income had put your family outside of the 133% poverty level for eligibility in the health exchanges. Yes, ObamaCare will require income from everyone living in the household. Grandma got a $10.00 rebate from the company that she gets her diabetes supplies? Counts. Johnny won a $20.00 gift certificate for selling the most candy bars at a school fundraiser? Counts. The IRS will be sifting through every aspect of your lives. Is calling these new IRS powers Gestapo-like a stretch? Probably not. The IRS will need to determine a household's total income down to the penny what healthcare you qualify for; whether you will get tax credits; whether you are eligible for the health <b>...</b> Author: Kris Zane Duration: 6:03
Photos for video ObamaCare IRS Agents the 'New Gestapo'
Travels with Barry Obama in 1981 Produced by Obama Files The current rage of smothered information about Barack Obama's hidden past is his college transcripts: specifically, how a mediocre student, self-professed to be a pot-smoking, cocaine snorting, jobless free spirit during his Occidental days transferred and paid for an Ivy League college—Columbia University. But I think an equally salient question is how Obama paid for his round-the-world trip to Indonesia and Pakistan in the summer of 1981, before he made his way to New York to begin his term at Columbia. Did his wealthy Pakistani friends Wahid Hamid and Mohammed Hasan Chandoo foot the bill? Was Obama dealing drugs to finance the trip? We don't know because Obama has never addressed the question. It is a question that should be answered by Obama now. Today. Author: Kris Zane Duration: 1:36
The National Security Agency of the US is carefully watching emails and phonecalls of ordinary Americans. Yet, its chief denies everything to Congress. Some tend not to believe what general Keith Alexander says, and among them Amie Stepanovich, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. She joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:28
Photos for video Stepanovich: 'NSA are spying on the United States'
SOFIA VERGARA WINS ALL THE GOLDEN GLOBES!! This video SOFIA VERGARA WINS ALL THE GOLDEN GLOBES!! was cool. SOFIA VERGARA WINS ALL THE GOLDEN GLOBES!! I share my favorite things I saw that I felt were the best stories. Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL SOFIA VERGARA WINS ALL THE GOLDEN GLOBES!! sxephil philip defranco martin luther king Golden Globes 2012 Seth Rogan Obama Author: MeganSpeaks Duration: 2:06
This is the conclusion of Professor Griff of Public Enemy explaining why he supports Cynthia Mckinney's Green Party presidential ticket instead of Barack Obama. Author: delhiflint Duration: 10:39
Photos for video Professor Griff (Public Enemy) says No to Barack Obama, Supports Cynthia Mckinney Part 2