Alicia Keys Obama On FIRE 2013 Obama Inauguration Ball Changes Girl On Fire Performs Alicia Keys sings Obama is On FIRE 2013 Obama Inauguration Ball | Alicia Keys sings " Obama On FIRE " 2013 Obama Inauguration Ball changes Girl On Fire for President Alicia Keys is performing, and singing "Obama's on Fire," at the Inaugural Ball. #inaug2013 Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 1:54
Photos for video Alicia Keys Obama On FIRE 2013 Obama Inauguration Ball Changes Girl On Fire Performs
SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsTheMaking Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Sneakers Edition - Hard Sampled Rap Beat Instumental
Marc Perelman talks to David Sanger about his latest book, "Confront and conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power". It focuses on Barack Obama's foreign policy battles and in particular his efforts to stop Iran's nuclear programme. An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. All shows: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 Author: france24english Duration: 11:58
Photos for video FRANCE 24 The Interview - David Sanger, author of "Confront and conceal: Obama's Secret Wars"
Opinion about what Trump said to Obama. Comment, Rate, and Subscribe. ===================================================== Twitter Google Plus: MySpace: ===================================================== Credit For Music By: Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by iLife Music: Author: moneyman2j Duration: 1:09
Photos for video Just My Opinion - Donald Trump vs Barack Obama Rant
From Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, the last Presidential Debate, in it's entirety. Split Screen. Who do you think wins the debate(s)? Post your comments below. Author: polititick Duration: 93:35
Photos for video The Complete Final Presidential Debate - October 22, 2012 -Split Screen
интересные факты присылайте Facebook: мы вконтакте! вступайте будет интересно! :) мы в одноклассниках! вступайте :) Author: vkgio Duration: 2:31
Photos for video 100500 фактов - 101 fact #42 - Barack Obama
Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, 19 de junio del 2012.- Conferencia de prensa ofrecida por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Am Author: gobiernofederal Duration: 24:46
Photos for video G20 Closing Conferences - Barack Obama, President of the United States of America
Chicago radio host says Breitbart's death was a warning shot and that others are in danger Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Contrary to today's release of edited and seemingly innocuous footage that shows Barack Obama making a speech at Harvard in 1991 and has already been in the public domain for years, Chicago radio host Erich "Mancow" Muller told the Alex Jones Show today that his friend Andrew Breitbart had in fact planned to release information that would "destroy Barack Obama" on March 1st, hours after his untimely death. Muller said he was speaking with Breitbart "every other day" about a TV show he had lined up on a major network on which Breitbart would make regular appearances in a segment called "Breitbart predicts". "The house of cards is coming down, I have information that will destroy Barack Obama, it's over," Muller says Breitbart told him, and that the information would be released March 1st. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:21
Photos for video 'Mancow' Muller: Breitbart Was Murdered!! 1/2