In the latest episode of our Political Kombat '12, we pit Vice President Biden against VP hopeful Paul Ryan. Created by Taige Jensen and Andrew Bouv Author: slatester Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Political Kombat '12: Biden vs. Ryan
The much anticipated first US presidential debate kicks off on Wednesday, but even with the non-stop campaign coverage, chances are there won't be too many surprises. But there are some critical and pressing topics the incumbent and his challenger probably won't talk about. We've compiled a list. RT Correspondent Liz Wahl gives you the top 5. Like us and/or follow us: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 4:11
Photos for video Presidential Debate: The Top 5 Things you won't Hear
At a Sugarloaf Machine at Kmart I try to win an Obama president plush. I have a tough time getting this "touchdown" football flag plush, but will I be able to work in in eventually? BLOG TV CHANNEL: Buy stuff from my claw machine videos: Facebook Page: Merchandise: Barack Obama Mitt Romney President Election 2012 debate Author: matt3756 Duration: 8:15
Photos for video Journey to the Claw Machine- Clawing With Obama
This week: A new media weapon comes into play in the US election campaigns. How will Super PACs impact US politics? And online animators with a political punch. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:59
Photos for video Listening Post - Super PACs: A new media weapon
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur speaks with Robert Greenstein (Center on Budget & Policy Priorities) and Dana Milbank (Washington Post) about the proposed budget cut plan from Rep. Paul Ryan (House Budget Committee Chairman). Author: TYTInterviews Duration: 12:16
Photos for video Breakdown of Rep. Ryan Budget Cut Plan
To all the morons amongst you English speaking people: This is NOT an actual dub, it is a very, very, very funny and completely unpolitical PARODY in German language by our Great Master dodokay, without any doubt done with utter respect for Mr. Obama. Please consider this before opening your abusive blowholes, otherwise I will disable commenting on this video altogether. Germany is not a nation of linguistically challenged retards, and your ignorant point of view reeeeally gets old. I am sure Barack would least approve of all your bitching. Thank you very much. Und das gilt f Author: dodokayfan Duration: 1:30
Catherine Malcolm sings - Living the American Dream about foreclosures high gas prices economy and Obama as president is part of the American Dream Author: LiveTheAmericanDream Duration: 7:15