President Obama talks about his favorite memories from his first Inauguration and what this Inauguration means to him. Author: inauguration Duration: 3:27
Photos for video What this Inauguration Means to Our President
Seven current members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six, including one involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, have been punished for serving as consultants for the video game "Medal of Honor Warfighter." Defense official said that in an unusual move, the punishments were read out loud to the seven SEALs in front of their peers to send the message that this kind of activity would not be tolerated. In a statement, deputy commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, said his command "takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and conducts investigations to determine the facts. We likewise take seriously the Non-Disclosure Agreements signed by Sailors and adherence to the articles of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)." Featured on VGN: Source • Twitter: • Like on Facebook: • Google +: • Youtube: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BREAKING NEWS - Gaming & Tech Industry • VGN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Need a professional or Youtube background? Contact PixelsToLife https Receive exclusive discounts when you mention TheRedDragon Author: TWTHEREDDRAGON Duration: 4:50
Photos for video VGN - Navy Seals Punished Over Video Game
Subscribe To My Channel- Ron Paul Shits On Fox News Debate Moderator, I have made the case that Ron Paul is not only changing the Republican Party, but is catering to a new, emerging electorate that eschews the big government aspects of both parties. Writing today at, Timothy Stanley makes some of the same observations: Paul's campaign represents a message that is bigger and perhaps more popular than the candidate himself. As it continues to collect small numbers of delegates and capture control of local GOPs, Paulism is proving itself to be in rude health. Long after Mitt Romney is nominated, feted at the convention, beaten by Obama and recycled as a question on Jeopardy ("In 2012, he lost every state but Utah." "Who is ... Britt Gormley?"), Paul's philosophy will still be a factor in national politics — something to be feared and courted in equal measure... I have to declare a great deal of affection for Paul. Unlike other politicians, he seems motivated by ideas — and he communicates his passion with the zeal of a nutty professor detailing the thrilling possibilities of quasars and black holes. This is a doctor who refused to accept Medicare payments but lowered his prices for patients who couldn't afford him, who declined a government pension and never voted for a tax increase, who told Republicans they need to end the War on Drugs (and most other wars, too). He's pure... Paul's 2012 candidacy has had certain hidden successes. Aside from all the <b>...</b> Author: TheLiberalPacifist Duration: 2:51
Adam Kokesh leads the Veterans For Ron Paul March on the White house to show their support for Ron Paul to be elected President of the United States. Veterans and reportedly some active duty military do an about Face to the White House and Barack Obama. The Veterans saluted 1 second for each soldier that has died in combate or committed suicide since Obama has been Commander in Chief. Video courtesy of Luke Rudkowski and From Veterans for Ron Paul 2012 In case you have not heard the estimated number of vets who Patricipated in the actual formation/ march, the estimate was 450! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYONE WHO CAME! Several thousand in attendance on top of that! (-Nathan) Author: livefreeordieaction Duration: 6:06
Photos for video Veterans for Ron Paul Turn Backs on Obama and White House - 2/20/2012
Sam Harris goes over Mitt Romney and why his faith in Mormonism should be questioned since he is a United States Presidential candidate. Author: godisafrauddotcom Duration: 1:21
Photos for video Sam Harris - Discusses Mitt Romney and Mormonism
It's ON!!! Something is really happening here folks. Ron Paul is rolling and one by one the establishment candidates are dropping out. He also just received a major endorsement from South Carolina Senator Tom Davis! If that wasn't enough he also has two headline stories on, of all places, highlighting this endorsement AND the fact that he is in a statistical tie with OBAMA IN A NATIONAL POLL.....woo hoo!!!! Now this is nothing new to anyone who follows news sources outside of the MSM but the fact that CNN is pushing this story is unprecedented. Author: juiceyjas23 Duration: 23:31
Photos for video "Crazy" Ron Paul gives inspiring & educational speech in South Carolina - He just makes SENSE!
This week: A new media weapon comes into play in the US election campaigns. How will Super PACs impact US politics? And online animators with a political punch. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:59
Photos for video Listening Post - Super PACs: A new media weapon
REPORTERS - US military - A few weeks ago, FRANCE 24 filmed the first American unit to pull out of Afghanistan: the Marines of the "Darkside" battalion. In this follow-up report, we meet the same Marines again as they set foot back on American soil and witness their joys, fears and frustrations. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 International news report on the ground from the France 24 team and our seniors reporters. International news coverage from the FRANCE 24 teams and our senior reporters. Thursdays at 9.45 pm and Fridays at 10.10am. All shows: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 http Author: france24english Duration: 16:51
Photos for video US military - After Afghanistan: US marines back from the frontline
The President discusses the importance of the bipartisan budget agreement that represents both a significant investment in the United States' future - and the largest annual spending cut in our history. Author: whitehouse Duration: 2:26
Photos for video Weekly Address: President Obama on the Budget Compromise to Avoid a Government Shutdown
The real face of war is unknown to people, because the media is not showing the real facts. The war is nothing but a bussines, where young men are sent to die, for some to get richer and richer. These are the horrors of the war. Please share! Author: John Doe Duration: 9:54
A compelling video concerning war on the streets as well as war abroad. Dedicated to troops all over the world "A Soldier Never Dies". Author: 4U Entertainment Duration: 4:58
Photos for video Jon B, Battlecat and Invinceable Official Video A Soldier Never Dies.mp4