Follow Luke @ This is never before seen footage of Luke Rudkowski at the 2009 inguaration of Barack Obama. In the belly of the beast Washington DC and at the height of Obama's popularity, Luke decided to go one on one with his supporters in an attempt to warn them for things to come. Support us by subscribing here Check out our merchandise at Become a member of The Sponsor Lounge and get exclusive behind the scenes content while helping us grow! Join us today! http:/// Author: wearechange Duration: 10:01
Photos for video Hope Drunk Time Machine Barack Obama Inauguration
President Obama talks about his favorite memories from his first Inauguration and what this Inauguration means to him. Author: inauguration Duration: 3:27
Photos for video What this Inauguration Means to Our President
SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsSampleChops Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Models Edition - Super Fly Hard Rap Instrumental Beat Street Banger
More than two dozen people, including as many as 20 children, have been killed during a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut outside of New York City early Friday - READ MORE Connecticut elementary school shooting: LIVE UPDATES (PHOTOS) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:08
Photos for video 'Our hearts broken today': Obama's full speech on school shooting in Connecticut
SUBSCRIBE - Dope YaDig T-Shirts - Do You Make Beats Also - Download Instrumentals Here - Follow me on Twitter - Like Me on FaceBook - Main Channel - My Website - My Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE Production. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat (Link Below) ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired <b>...</b> Author: BAGEreMasteredBeats Duration: 2:16
Photos for video AMAZING NEW - (Instrumental Beat) Banger Dark Hip-Hop (Rap Beat) (Music,Industry,Song,Writer,Radio)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Campaign Walkthrough (Part 9) - Mission: ODYSSEUS Mission Details: Menendez, successfully captured during the Yemen assault, is brought on board the USS Barack Obama for immediate interrogation HARPER IS BACK! I went back and re-did the last mission, saving Harper instead. Farid isn't a major character so it's a better choice. Just in case anyone is wondering why Haper is alive from here on. Show your support and 'LIKE' the video -- It helps a lot. For all Call of Duty: Black Ops II videos, click the playlist here: Author: XCVii007r1 Duration: 21:45
Photos for video Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Campaign Walkthrough (Part 9) - Mission: ODYSSEUS
Robert Reich and Mark Zandi debate Glenn Hubbard and Arthur Laffer on the topic: The Rich Are Taxed Enough. Moderated by John Donvan. How do we fix the economy? The US government's budget deficit is nearing a trillion dollars for the fourth straight year and unemployment remains high. With the Bush-era tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of 2012, what is the best move for continued economic recovery? President Obama says we should raise taxes on those making more than $250000 to reduce the deficit. Others say that the richest 1% already pay more than a quarter of all federal taxes and higher taxes for job creators would slow economic growth. Are the nation's wealthiest not paying their "fair share," or should tax breaks be extended for everyone in the name of job creation? Author: IntelligenceSquared Debates Duration: 108:30
Photos for video The Rich Are Taxed Enough: Debate from Intelligence Squared US
Subscribe to Shut Up! Cartoons: Pres. Black Cat and his wife take a much-needed vacation. The political season is heating up as President Black Cat battles it out against Mittens 2.0 and the nefarious Fancy Feast Council. Ninja Assassin Cats, Giant Golden Buddha Cats, Mars Cats, giant cat sucking vacuums, time-traveling cat boxes, and much, much more will be put on the table, as these POLITCATS scratch their way to the top in a new episode every Tuesday on Shut Up! Cartoons. Shut Up! and... Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us to your Google+: Shut Up! Cartoons SHIRTS! Like Politicats on Facebook: Follow Politicats on Twitter: Author: Shut Up! Cartoons Duration: 4:24
Photos for video ASSASSINATION VACATION (Politicats #7)
If you would like to walk with "Team Skorpion Show" please register here the team number is 4390. If you'd just like to donate to "Team Skorpion Show" here is the link Register To Vote The Skorpion Show Store http The Skorpion Show Store Europe Follow Us On Twitter Kevin http Makael Fan Page Friend Us On Facebook Kevin Makael Fan Page Author: theskorpionshow Duration: 114:21
Photos for video Mitt Romney, Paris Hilton & Gays, Tamar & Vince, Meek Mill Baby Mama Drama & More - For The Book Go To Glenn Beck spent a full hour with author Paul Kengor about his new book "The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor" There were hundreds of thousands of American communists like Frank who agitated throughout the twentieth century. They chose the wrong side of history, a horrendously bloody side that left a wake of more than 100 million corpses from the streets of the Bolshevik Revolution to the base of the Berlin Wall—double the combined dead of the century's two world wars. And they never apologized. Quite the contrary, they cursed their accusers for daring to charge (correctly) that they were communists whose ideology threatened the American way and the greater world and all of humanity. They took their denials to the grave, and still today their liberal/progressive dupes continue to conceal their crimes and curse their accusers for them. We need hundreds and thousands of more books on American communists like Frank, so we can finally start to get this history right— and, more so, learn its vital lessons. To fail to do so is a great historical injustice. We especially need to flesh out these lessons, which are morality tales in the truest sense of the word, when we find the rarest case of a man like "Frank" managing to influence someone as influential as the current president of the United States of America—the leader of the free world and driver of the mightiest political <b>...</b> Author: GlennBeckBookList Duration: 38:26
Photos for video WATCH The Communist author Paul Kengor w/ Glenn Beck on the Radio Frank Marshall Davis Obama Mentor
President Obama wraps up a two-day visit to Britain; the search for survivors continues in Joplin, Mo.; and Oprah Winfrey's final episode of her daily show. Please visit to embed this video. Watch more videos at Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 1:42