From C-SPAN coverage: President Barack Obama took the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States and delivered his second inaugural on January 21, 2013. Author: CSPAN Duration: 21:36
Photos for video C-SPAN: President Barack Obama 2013 Inauguration and Address Sponsored by Elixir Electronic Cigarettes ** Tila Tequila will have to be rescheduled for another date *** Tonight on this episode of the Pete Santilli Show, Pete talks about what it means to be Sheeple. How, after everything we know about Obama, can people still defend him and call America a prosperous nation? It is a powerful show that takes a hard cold look at the truth and what would happen if the system collapsed tomorrow. The fact is, it won't be the Government you will have to worry about .... it will be your neighbor, your best friend, your family. The Bunker News Break is brought to you by and Susanne Posel. Susanne is live starting at 8 PM PT giving you a sneak preview of her latest and best articles on and coverage of the days most important events. In this episode Susanne covered: Author: Pete Santilli Duration: 120:51
Photos for video Episode #264 - The Sheeple Are Too Far Gone To Save
GERALD CELENTE - Michelle Obama Propaganda tags: news 2012 trends in the gerald celente research ndaa president obama commander chief national defence propoganda mrs michelle new york times newspaper presidential race first lady united states votes usa america ron paul vote polls vegetables nwo world order illuminati troops support ron paul eat vegetables school tour iraq iran middle east fighting war ww3 strong bullets bogus war war with iran olive garden salad corporate romney wife callista gingrich speech talk liberty revolution interlude dance airforce base inteview alex jones infowars money gold silver bullion investment politics white house story Malia Ann obama sasha obama Tsiyonuttimes Author: Tsiyonut times Duration: 9:40
Photos for video GERALD CELENTE - Michelle Obama Propaganda
For more videos: The Roast 29th May Sticks and stones may break your bones but words on DHS list will get you into Guantanamo. Author: RoastNewsUpdate Duration: 1:55
Share this: Tweet this: President Obama wishes a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. He shares why First Lady Michelle Obama is the best mom he knows, how his mom and grandmother influenced him, and how the model of strong, responsible, and loving women have been a great gift to his daughters. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 2:35
Talks about the Illuminati, 9/11, religion and more.. Also read this: Papoose Discusses The Release Of "Nacirema Dream," Illuminati Symbols In The Media: Be Aware Shout out to PAPOOSE ABOUT THE SATANIC ILLUMINATI & NEW WORLD ORDER Holler for shows or feats Author: PAP00SE7 Duration: 11:06
We look at the challenges for Yemen's new President and ask how US efforts to fight Al Qaeda will effect stability there. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 37:07
Photos for video The Stream - What is in store for Yemen after Saleh?
It's ON!!! Something is really happening here folks. Ron Paul is rolling and one by one the establishment candidates are dropping out. He also just received a major endorsement from South Carolina Senator Tom Davis! If that wasn't enough he also has two headline stories on, of all places, highlighting this endorsement AND the fact that he is in a statistical tie with OBAMA IN A NATIONAL POLL.....woo hoo!!!! Now this is nothing new to anyone who follows news sources outside of the MSM but the fact that CNN is pushing this story is unprecedented. Author: juiceyjas23 Duration: 23:31
Photos for video "Crazy" Ron Paul gives inspiring & educational speech in South Carolina - He just makes SENSE!
Alex breaks down at the top of the show a story put out by Wayne Madesn about barack h obama's family CIA ties, and how he was groomed from almost day one of his life. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:24
Photos for video Barack H. Obama: The CIA's Greatest Creation Yet! - Alex Jones Tv
A group of former FBI and CIA officials have sent a memo to US President Barack Obama stating that Israel will bomb Iran later this month. Michel Chossudovsky says that it would be impossible for Israel to launch an attack on Iran without the US and NATO's green light. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 6:23
Photos for video Chossudovsky: 'Impossible to attack Iran'