A Borderlands 2 Play-through with ProphetHCB & GTXDante. Hope you enjoy(ed) the episode and make sure to subscribe and stick around. Subscribe to the show Author: IdioticCreations Duration: 20:05
Photos for video Borderlands 2 - Playthrough Episode 5 " Backtrack some more... "
The United States is in the midst of its most expensive election season ever. It is not what Washington pundits mean when they say that this year's presidential race will be won or lost on the economy. Nonetheless, almost $6bn will be spent trying to get Republican and Democratic candidates into office. Virtually unlimited cash can buy many things - hundreds of hours of television advertising, automated phone calls, a really big party. But who is paying? And what is the price exacted of the country's democracy? There are three months left until voting day. And Sebastian Walker and the Fault Lines team travel from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, to examine the spectacle being broadcast on US screens. So what its worth for those who find themselves outside the political arena? Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:00
Photos for video Fault Lines - Conventions 2012: The Price of the Party
Obama (this country's 1st gay President) attempts to decide whether he should tax the rich by singing about his dilemma."If I tax a Rich Man" was written and performed by the Capitol Steps. Visit their web-site at www.CapitolSteps.com. Author: HerBunk Duration: 2:45
Photos for video Capitol Steps - "If I Tax a Rich Man" (Satire)
Slavoj Zizek and David Horowitz are the guests for the second episode of Julian Assange's interview show, "The World Tomorrow". "Intellectual superstar" Slavoj Zizek is a philosopher, psychoanalyst and cultural commentator. David Horowitz is a renowned stalwart of hardline conservative American political thought and an unrepentant Zionist. The tone of the conversation between Zizek, Horowitz and Assange alternated between combative, personal and good-humoured. The topics covered jumped backwards and forwards at a wildfire pace, to include Palestinians and Nazis, Joseph Stalin and Barack Obama, the decline of Europe and the tension between liberty and equality, amongst many others. OFFICIAL VIDEO PAGE assange.rt.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 28:01
Photos for video Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2)
Das neueste BRAVO WebTV immer unter: www.bravo.de BRAVO WebTV vom 15.12.11 - Die neue BRAVO ist da - Ashley Tisdale trennt sich von Scott Speer - Niall von One Direction - Kayne West - Madagascar 3 Trailer Author: BravoTV Duration: 6:56
Photos for video Nialls (One Direction) Obama Drama // Ashley Tisdale wieder Single
President Obama holds a news conference to discuss the status of efforts to find a balanced approach on deficit reduction. July 15, 2011. Author: whitehouse Duration: 39:37
Photos for video President Obama's News Conference on Deficit Reduction