My commentary on how corporate welfare can influence the news media, homicides rising in Detroit while the population declines, banks being forced to pay for foreclosure abuse, health insurers raising rates because of Obamacare and war profiteer KBR poisoning US soldiers in Iraq. NICK and REGGIE's video How Walt Disney Cashes In on Corporate Welfare 10 banks agree to pay $8.5B for foreclosure abuse John Brennan chosen by Barack Obama as new CIA head Health Insurers Raise Some Rates by Double Digits 'We've lost respect for life': Detroit records deadliest year in decades KBR, Guilty In Iraq Negligence, Wants Taxpayers To Foot The Bill Author: DEMCAD Duration: 7:13
Photos for video DEMCAD UPDATE: KBR Poisons US Troops in Iraq! Disney Corporate Welfare!
A Borderlands 2 Play-through with ProphetHCB & GTXDante. Hope you enjoy(ed) the episode and make sure to subscribe and stick around. Subscribe to the show Author: IdioticCreations Duration: 20:05
Photos for video Borderlands 2 - Playthrough Episode 5 " Backtrack some more... "
Make Sure To Spread This Video To Friends & Family* Subscribe 3+ Videos A Week* Like Me On FB* Israel gives the United States a deadline of September 25 2012 to take military action against Iran. It has been stated that Israel will act alone if need be on the matter of Iran's nuclear program. This could eventually break out to a possible WWIII if matters aren't solved. Author: R11110000 Duration: 2:52
Photos for video Israel Gives Deadline For War Against Iran
40 years on from Watergate, journalism has gone through tectonic shifts that affect how reporters get their stories. We examine those shifting ethical grounds with senior reporter John Cook. We discuss topics ranging from Christopher Hitchens, Barbara Walters, the FOXNews mole, the Church of Scientology, the Sandusky trial and more--always with one eye on the place for integrity in journalism in the 'gotcha!'-age. John is not afraid to demystify his subjects--even when he happens to admire them--and be an advocate for truthful media. It's a striking discussion. GUEST BIO: John Cook is a senior reporter for Gawker Media and has worked as a TV reporter and writer for Radar magazine, Mother Jones and the Chicago Tribune. ADD'L LINKS: EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 The uncensored obituary--demystifying Mike Wallace. 00:37 Welcoming John Cook. 04:30 To Catch a Predator and the ethics of journalism collaborating with law enforcement. 07:30 Barbara Walters coverage of Assad and Syria. 10:11 Eulogizing Christopher Hitchens with honesty. 15:02 Is there a place for disparaging people you disagree with in journalism? 16:45 The Clinton impeachment and the punishable offenses of a president. 20:57 The temptation to shut up and follow the party line. 21:37 Barack Obama and the fast and furious controversy. 22:39 The Fox Mole, infiltrating Bill O'reilly for Gawker and the repercussions. 27:51 If Watergate was reported today...paying for <b>...</b> Author: TheLipTV Duration: 63:47
Photos for video Media Mayhem - Sandusky, Scientology & Ethical Journalism with Senior Reporter John Cook
Andrew Breitbart's Unity Speech at CPAC 2012: You want a unity speech? I'll give you a unity speech. I don't care who our candidate is. I haven't since the beginning of this... ask not what the candidate can do for you, ask what you can do for the candidate! And that's what the Tea Party is. We are there to confront [the radical left] on behalf of our candidate! I will march behind who ever our candidate is. Because if we don't, we lose. There are two paths! There are two paths! One is America, the other is Occupy! One is America, the other is Occupy! And I don't care, and along the way... I've realized over the last three years that the Republican Party and the conservative movement is not what ABC, CBS and NBC put on the screen. They try to portray you in the worst possible light... and when I travel around the United States meeting people in the Tea Party who care — black, white, gay, straight — anyone that's willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you're not in that bunker 'cause you're not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you — you're on the other side! Author: TeaPartyTuesday Duration: 4:01
Photos for video Andrew Breitbart's Unity Speech at CPAC 2012
EVERYONE go to to read articles relating the facts in this video. DON'T LISTEN TO OBAMA'S BRAINWASHED SUPPORTERS, EVERYTHING IN THIS VIDEO IS TRUE. The Video That Barack Obama DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE! pt. 1 The Video That Barack Obama DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE pt. 3 Obama's problems continue. He still has Meeks do deal with. He also has the Black Panthers, Ayers, and Rezko in his closet. Obama has so many skeletons in the closet, if he gets in the White House it will become the Haunted House. More Obama racist problems! Search on Youtube: "Barack Obama Close Adviser James Meeks" "Barack Obama and The New Black Panther Party" NO OBAMA 08! Author: barackobamaLIED Duration: 3:59
Photos for video The Video That Barack Obama DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE pt. 2
Noam Chomsky on public opinion, public policy, masochist streaks, elections, NPR, Barack Obama, war in Iraq, Iran, Bolivia etc. Author: observationspring Duration: 8:51
Photos for video :: Noam Chomsky : Does public opinion count? ::