There is huge debate about the issue of gun control in America. Many feel strongly that there should be total gun control in the US and that only the military, secret service and law enforcement should be the only ones allowed to have guns in America. The are those who strongly oppose this and cite The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution, which is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. President Obama said yesterday, "We're going to have to come together to and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics." Should there be total gun control? What is the choice for America? Author: NothingTypical2010 Duration: 1:57
Paul McCartney, one of the most famous musicians of all time, rose to prominence 50 years ago as part of the British pop sensation The Beatles. From humble, working-class beginnings, McCartney, 70, is now one of the richest men in the world. He has even topped the bill at the White House, playing for US President Barack Obama. In this episode, he sits down with Sir David for a full hour to tell Frost Over the World his own story of the band, and its break up; to discuss some of the highs - and a few lows - of his life; and to provide a glimpse into his world behind the headlines. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 47:18
Photos for video The Frost Interview - Paul McCartney: 'Still prancing'
"COSI' SI SCEGLIE UN CAPO" Oscar Giannino e Beppe Severgnini ospiti di Lilli Gruber per parlare della vittoria di Barak Obama alle elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti. Author: la7attualita Duration: 26:52
Mitt Romney ambushes Barack Obama in New York's Washington Square Park, as the 2012 election takes an interesting turn. Obama vs. Romney: The Showdown Leading up to the presidential election we'll learn everything there is to know about Obama and Romney's stances on the issues. But this election season, The NOC brings you the only "debate" that matters: Which candidate will win The NOC Decathlon! 10 weeks. 10 Events. For the fate of our country. SUBSCRIBE to The NOC to see the next episode! Author: NOC Duration: 1:41
Photos for video Obama vs Romney Street Fight - Ep 1 - The NOC
President Obama holds a news conference to discuss the status of efforts to find a balanced approach on deficit reduction. July 15, 2011. Author: whitehouse Duration: 39:37
Photos for video President Obama's News Conference on Deficit Reduction
In this edition : Barack Obama addresses Iran on the occasion of the Persian New Year. The web reacts. In Singapore, the blogosphere debates the merits of the death penalty for drug traffickers. And an information site denouncing the misdeeds of the rich and powerful. Author: france24english Duration: 5:02
Photos for video Obama addresses Iran on the occasion of the Persian New Year
Gareth Porter: US military leaders are pressuring Obama to cancel his Iraq withdrawal promise Produced by Jesse Freeston Author: TheRealNews Duration: 11:02
Michelle Obama, speaking in Delaware before Super Tuesday, shows that she's just as eloquent and inspiring as her husband. See more here: Author: chipmunkstew Duration: 8:30
Photos for video Michelle Obama: Barack's Secret Weapon
Watch US Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama answer questions from YouTube. The Senator talks about technology and foreign policy, and plays a round of "Hope or Nope." Thanks to everyone who submitted questions for the interview. Question on pakistan: Question on Africa: Question themes for "Hope or Nope" from users: j0eg0d, urbanwarrior, JSResponds, AmericanWayne, dooglio. To learn more about Senator Obama, go to his YouTube You Choose '08 channel at: Author: citizentube Duration: 9:26
Photos for video The YouTube Interview: Barack Obama