This was a very sensitive topic, but I felt it was one that needed to be addressed. I hope you guys arent TOO offended. Being offended a little bit is ok, i suppose. Author: boogie2988 Duration: 6:09
Photos for video Francis is mad about Video Game Violence
Greetings Obama and fellow Americans, This is anonymous. At the time this message was sent to you, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS) are illegal. This is not hacking, it's the equivalent of hitting the refresh button on a webpage, which every one of us has done at least one time in life. Should we be sent to jail if we push that button a thousand times a second? No! When we start this kind of attack it's just the same as a sit-in. If we "refresh" a thousand times a second it will slow down the website, which is a type of protest or a sit-in at work. Both of those are completley legal. The only difference is that we are doing it on the internet, at home, at school, at a coffee shop or at a library. Why are people protesting? They do it because they want to see changes, positive ones. We Anonymous, are calling upon not only fellow anonymous. We are calling americans to rise up for the change. There is a petition on the White House website asking President Obama to make denial of service attacks a legal way of protesting, release and clear all criminal records of those who have been jailed for DDoS attacks. Remember, when president Obama was first elected he wanted change. So does Anonymous. We Are Anonymous We Are The Change We Are Legion For We Are Many Expect Us LINK: Author: Hiluxanon Duration: 1:45
November 6, 2012 - a historic day for the USA. Barack Obama wins the second term thanks to the incredible support from Rajiv Nema Indori. All Indian techniques were widely used to win this very tightly fought election. (inspiration: Koustubh Kekre) Author: rnema Duration: 8:01
Photos for video Rajiv Nema Indori helps Barack Obama win the US Presidency
Philip Defranco, Elliott Morgan & Gov Gary Johnson cover all things that matter and don't matter from the Final Presidential Debate. Be part of the Nation! #PDSLive to tweet us @PhillyD & @Sourcefed More info on Gov Gary Johnson here: Check out for everything else that's awesome! Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Tumblr: Like us on Facebook: Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: Hosts: @phillyd @elliottcmorgan Special Guest: @GovGaryJohnson Broadcasted using Wirecast Pro Author: SourceFed Duration: 77:07
Photos for video Gov Gary Johnson on #PDSLive - Final Presidential Debate 2012 The US presidential election has been a tight horserace, with Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney slugging it out over each new set of economic results. But how about their foreign policy? On trade, on relations with Europe? The world's two largest trading powers are economically joined at the hip, with a crisis in one deeply affecting the fortunes of the other. If Europeans could vote, whom would they choose? An incumbent Democrat more inclined to regulate and steer the economy through state intervention, or a more laissez-faire Republican? What of the global hotspots? How to deal with Iran's and North Korea's nuclear programs? How to halt bloodshed in Syria and seek regime change? How to withdraw from and stabilise Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as try to solve the Israeli-Palestinian standoff? Who is more likely to see eye-to-eye with the Europeans on those issues? Or are some analysts right that US and European interests are decoupling -- that the US is increasingly looking toward Asia, and Europe toward its own backyard? From Warsaw: Rafal Trzaskowski, a Polish member of the European Parliament, a member of the EPP Group -- the European People's Party that includes his Civic Platform. He is on the parliament's delegation for US relations. Here at the European Parliament in Brussels: V Author: Euronews Duration: 10:00
Photos for video euronews the network - The Network: US election showdown
If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Like on Facebook for updates! Or if you're a tweeter: Author: baracksdubs Duration: 0:37
Photos for video Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Singing Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus (PREVIEW)
Available on ITUNES! Music and Lyrics By Crystal Lucas-Perry for CrystalMadeProductions Song Produced By Jason Michael Webb for WorldWideWebb Creative Studios Re-Edited By Executive Producer, Director of Photography, Video Director Lelund Durond Thompson for YellaFella Entertainment As a full time MFA student at New York University, I am unable to contribute financially to the campaign. However, as an artist, inspired by our Presidents vision, I created this song to help support his mission. Crystal Lucas-Perry, Lelund Thompson, Jason Michael Webb, Bryan Thompson, C Author: CrystalandLelund Duration: 3:39
Photos for video OBAMA Take Us Forward OFFICIAL (OBAMA 2012)
Republicans respond to President Obama's support for gay marriage | African-Americans in North Carolina | New economic data offer insight into electoral outcomes. Please visit in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 14:24
Photos for video TimesCast - Politics | May 10, 2012
Das neueste BRAVO WebTV immer unter: BRAVO WebTV vom 15.12.11 - Die neue BRAVO ist da - Ashley Tisdale trennt sich von Scott Speer - Niall von One Direction - Kayne West - Madagascar 3 Trailer Author: BravoTV Duration: 6:56
Photos for video Nialls (One Direction) Obama Drama // Ashley Tisdale wieder Single
Brother Nathanael Kapner of Real Zionist News documents the complete and total and mounts opposition with the Brother Nathanael Kapner Foundation. Additional credits go to The InfoUnderground, I Am The Witness, and Dees Illustrations. Author: rubixlucifer Duration: 7:20
Photos for video Brother Nathanael Kapner- The takeover of America
The New President of the United States is...Barack Obama! Obama gives his victory speech on November 4th 2008 at Grant Park. Barack Obama wins and becomes 44th president of United States Of America. High quality. Part 2: Part 3: Video from CNN Author: Dodgesrtx Duration: 9:36
Photos for video Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 1) Barack Obama Victory Speech November 4th 2008