This was a very sensitive topic, but I felt it was one that needed to be addressed. I hope you guys arent TOO offended. Being offended a little bit is ok, i suppose. Author: boogie2988 Duration: 6:09
Photos for video Francis is mad about Video Game Violence
Vice President Joe Biden takes the oath of office in an official swearing-in ceremony at the Naval Observatory. January 20, 2013. Author: whitehouse Duration: 4:47
Photos for video Vice President Biden Takes the Oath of Office
SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsTheMaking Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Sneakers Edition - Hot Dark Rap Beat Instrumental Sick Banger
Is there a fiscal cliff? Or is it more of a fiscal slow motion slip on a banana peel? Are we just paranoid or is there cause for concern? Watch the newest Meme Factory episode and find out, with just a tad of satire mixed in. Get Smart Fast. Want to see more of the Meme Factory? Check us out on; Youtube: Vimeo: Twitter: Facebook: Web: And our Podcast at http Or on iTunes at the Meme Factory Podcast Check out my personal nonsense too at and http Thanks for watching everybody! See you on the wire Author: memefactoryboobtube Duration: 4:53
Oct 25, 2012 Frank Rich, writer-at-large for New York Magazine, talks with Rachel Maddow about the contrast between the Obama and Romney campaigns, with Obama receiving the endorsement of Gen. Colin Powell while Dick Cheney holds a fundraiser for Mitt Romney with Glenn Beck as the special guest. Author: Licentiathe8th Duration: 15:01
Photos for video Rachel Maddow - Powell endorses Obama, Cheney/Beck fundraise for Romney
Own history today: President Obama's Response To Donald Trump on Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Donald Trump today pledged $5 million to a charity of President Obama's choice, provided the president makes public his college applications and transcripts and releases his passport history, a far cry from the October-surprise bombshell Trump had promised. Author: FunnyWorldNews Duration: 1:02
Photos for video Obama Responds To Donald Trump on Tonight Show with Jay Leno
The Candidates Debate: President Obama and Mitt Romney face off in the final presidential debate, live from Boca Raton, Florida. Author: ABCNews Duration: 92:20
Photos for video Final Presidential Debate 2012 Complete - Mitt Romney, Barack Obama on Foreign Policy
Last night we saw what happens when things don't go Romney's way. Tweet this: Facebook it: Tumblr: Author: DemRapidResponse Duration: 0:57
The president Barack Obama accepted his party's nomination at the Democratic National Convention. Click here to see Michelle Obama's speech: Click here to see Bill Clinton's speech: Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 43:35
Photos for video President Barack Obama's Full DNC Speech - Elections 2012
Please support our Kickstarter campaign: Video Update: 7-24-12, Neil DeGrasse Tyson speaks about Ambition. "Fight for Space" is a feature length documentary film that explores the current state and future of the US space program. We are asking for your support to fund this film to it's completion so we can help to make space exploration a top priority for the United States. Our Website: Facebook Page July 20th 2012 - 43 years ago Apollo 11 touched down on the surface of the Moon. Today, we have no plans to go back to the moon. Any manned to mission to mars has been postponed until the late 2030s. This is not the mark of a nation with great ambitions. Today, we must Fight For Space. ------------------------- Since the Apollo era of the 1960s, NASA's budget has been shrinking and our ambitions in space have been decreasing. We are producing a documentary that will examine the reasons why our space program is not all it can be. We are also going to show that space IS worth the time, money, and energy that it needs, not for only exploration and scientific reasons but for economic, planetary security, and cultural reasons as well. Many problems have occurred in just the past 10 years that have lead to the consistent underfunding of NASA, the cancellation of multiple space programs, and the decline of America's role in space. We have taken the first step and made an initial investment out of our own <b>...</b> Author: FightForSpace Duration: 3:26
Photos for video Fight For Space - Documentary Film Trailer
Grazie per tutti i MI PIACE, i PREFERITI, i COMMENTI e le CONDIVISIONI Vuoi supportare lo show? Compra una maglietta ...o un quadro: ...o stampa questi e appendili in giro! Facebook (Breaking Italy): Facebook (Shooter Hates You): Twitter: Vlogs Personali: Grazie ai ragazzi di FanPage che sponsorizzano Breaking Italy: LINK ALLE NOTIZIE DI OGGI Rossella Urru - Droga a Mediaset - Accordo nell'Eurozona - Lo stress favorisce la depressione - Obamacare - Vuoi essere "La Regina / L'Alfiere della Gentaglia" della prossimo Breaking Italy e apparire nello show e sulla pagina Facebook "Shooter Hates You"? Manda una tua foto con il mio logo in mostra da qualche parte qui: Author: breakingitaly Duration: 8:41
Photos for video Vertice UE: Mario Monti e l'Italia escono vincitori. Altro che #Euro2012
Slavoj Zizek and David Horowitz are the guests for the second episode of Julian Assange's interview show, "The World Tomorrow". "Intellectual superstar" Slavoj Zizek is a philosopher, psychoanalyst and cultural commentator. David Horowitz is a renowned stalwart of hardline conservative American political thought and an unrepentant Zionist. The tone of the conversation between Zizek, Horowitz and Assange alternated between combative, personal and good-humoured. The topics covered jumped backwards and forwards at a wildfire pace, to include Palestinians and Nazis, Joseph Stalin and Barack Obama, the decline of Europe and the tension between liberty and equality, amongst many others. OFFICIAL VIDEO PAGE Author: RussiaToday Duration: 28:01
Photos for video Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2)