It has been almost a year since president Obama was elected, so has change really come to America? Since he came to power, its been the mission of Fault Lines to look beyond the rhetoric to reveal whats really driving the big stories of the day. We've travelled across America -- from the desolate city streets of a dying Detroit, to the queues of uninsured looking for basic healthcare -- to give voice to millions of Americans who have fallen through the cracks, and hold those responsible to account. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:40
Photos for video Fault Lines - The Best of Fault Lines 2009
The danger of overheated media debate and rhetoric, the post-election Iran story that is still bubbling over in the blogosphere. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:07
Photos for video The Listening Post - Obama and the US media / Iran blogosphere post election
A compelling video concerning war on the streets as well as war abroad. Dedicated to troops all over the world "A Soldier Never Dies". Author: 4U Entertainment Duration: 4:58
Photos for video Jon B, Battlecat and Invinceable Official Video A Soldier Never Dies.mp4
Barack Hussein Obama mmmm mmmm mmmmm. What do his names mean - in reality? What languages are they from and what do they mean in those original languages? His parents named him...THEY knew what they meant. And now YOU can know. What's in a name? Hang on - you will soon find out. Pretty prophetic, actually. Author: ppsimmons Duration: 3:12
Photos for video WHAT IS IN A NAME - REALLY? - Barack Hussein Obama
Twilight beats out Dark Knight, oh how sad. Plus, Nintendo launches video service in Japan for Wii, and Obama sanctions a video game learning plan. See more IGN videos at Author: IGN Duration: 1:56
Photos for video IGN Daily Fix, 11-23: Twilight Opening, & Wii Video Channel
Episode 25 details (telecast date 23rd NOV) Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 25 : Kurbaan - A Sacrifice for Comedy Sumeet digs into Kurbaan - the film that's funny without any such explicit intent :) Kareena and Saif's kissing scenes which were publicized but were not part of the film can be seen here. Exclusive on Jay Hind! Plus details of George Bush and Zaidi, the man who threw a shoe at him; Savita bhabhi on the problems of Software Professionals and Obama's Diwali celebration song! Start the week with a big laugh - you will need it as it goes on. Trust Sumeet :) Segment 1 : Deleted Kissing Scene from Kurbaan Jay Hind! digs out a secret Saif - Kareena or Saifina kissing scene from the deleted scenes of Kurbaan...warning - it is one long kiss with consequences. Parental guidance advised. This could be too funny for small children. Segment 2: Mayawati, George Bush and Zaidi the Shoe thrower Hilarious stand-up featuring the antics of Mayawati, Praful Patel, Zaidi the shoe thrower's release and the reactions this elicits from our political parties, George Bush's own reaction plus the British Queen's Bollywood party and updates on Lucknow Municipal Corporation's ambitious alternate energy plans. Segment 3: Obama sings in Hindi for Diwali Sumeet recreates Obama's Diwali song plus Walt Disney's fight with SnowWhite and why Vivek Oberoi has sent us a personal email about his preference between Facebook and Twitter. One rocking segment this one is!! Segment 4 : Savita bhabhi ke <b>...</b> Author: jayhindtv Duration: 18:37
Photos for video Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 25 : Kurbaan - A Sacrifice for Comedy