SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsTheMaking Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Sneakers Edition - Sampled Jay-Z Rap Instrumental With Hook
Sandy Elementary Dedication song. This song was written for everyone affected by the killings this past week.Our condolences to you all -KID NATION.Written & produced by EJ "iiamlejend" & KID NATION Author: Faith,Sonny J-Baby Duration: 4:47
Photos for video Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Dedication Song "Hero"
--Racist tweets explode after President Obama's reelection, and so do angry messages sent to The David Pakman Show. --On the Bonus Show: Edible deodorant, why men should take pregnancy tests, man fires 22 after Obama reelected, more... How do you get the Bonus Show? Become a member: If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! Become a Member Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Get TDPS Gear: 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: Broadcast on November 8, 2012 Author: MidweekPolitics Duration: 2:57
Photos for video Racist Tweets Explode After Obama Re-Election
Subscribe Now!: Henry Rollins visits Florida State University to take a look at the star of the 2000 Presidential elections between George W. Bush and Al Gore-- the voting machine that caused a recount which would rock the United States. Learn more about the only election in American history where the Supreme Court made the final decision. Don't Let Florida Happen Again, Register to Vote: Watch More Capitalism: About Capitalism Henry Rollins traverses 50 states with a politically-themed talk show, culminating with an election-eve performance in Washington DC on November 5th. This two-month tour will stop in each state capital -- starting September 6 at Hawaiian Brian's in Honolulu, HI, venturing through places like the Diamond Ball Room in Oklahoma City, TF Riggs High School in Pierre, South Dakota and ending up in Washington, DC, Henry's hometown. Henry's latest tour offers not so much a voting guide, but an unveiling of Henry's very own political viewpoint -- an unflinching quest for truth. About Henry Rollins For better than a quarter century, Henry Rollins has toured the world as a spoken word artist, as frontman for both Rollins Band and Black Flag and -- without a microphone -- as a solitary traveler with insatiable curiosity. When he's not living out of a suitcase, Rollins is constantly at work as an actor, radio DJ, author of more than 20 books, and running his publishing company and record label 2.13.61. Henry currently hosts a weekly radio <b>...</b> Author: takepart Duration: 4:30
Photos for video Hanging Chad Debacle | Henry Rollins' Capitalism: Tallahassee, FL | TakePart TV
Former President Bill Clinton addresses the 2012 Democratic National Convention. He is joined on stage following his speech by President Barack Obama. Author: CSPAN Duration: 49:53
Photos for video Bill Clinton speaks at the 2012 DNC (C-SPAN) - Full Speech
The website of the Yes campaign for the independence referendum has been criticised after appearing to cite people who follow the campaign on Twitter as supporters. presents images of social media followers under the heading "Powered by people o' independent mind, like you...". But after people who do not support independence saw their images on the site, YesScotland bosses changed the wording to "Already thousands have followed Yes Scotland, here are some of them..." The website is powered by NationBuilder, cutting edge social campaigning software inspired by the Obama campaign's successful new media strategy from the 2008 US presidential election. Adriel Hampton of NationBuilder was speaking to Rona Dougall on Scotland Tonight on Wednesday about the software. Author: STVNews Duration: 5:12
Photos for video Scotland Tonight - Scottish Independence Yes campaign
Matt and Phil show you around their latest timelapse build - An Ancient Egyptian City. Check out the timelapse here: Please comment, like and subscribe! Intro Music by: NubbyCakums - Background Music is Minecraft by C418 go get it at: Dokucraft Texture pack: Minecraft is an indie game made by Notch find out more at: Author: FyreUK Duration: 19:09
On September 16, 2011, at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, Virginia, President Obama signed the American Invents Act. This bill amends federal patent law to define the "effective filing date" of a claimed invention as the actual filing date of the patent or the application for patent containing a claim to the invention, replacing the current "first to invent" system with a "first inventor to file" system. Author: whitehouse Duration: 22:15
Photos for video President Obama Signs the America Invents Act
The police clash with demonstrators in Athens; a media frenzy surrounds a flotilla headed to Gaza; and President Obama's relationship with Wall Street campaign donors. Please visit in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 6:00
Alex breaks down at the top of the show a story put out by Wayne Madesn about barack h obama's family CIA ties, and how he was groomed from almost day one of his life. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:24
Photos for video Barack H. Obama: The CIA's Greatest Creation Yet! - Alex Jones Tv