Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. During his residency he ran the neurology program for one year and did a fellowship in neurosurgery after his residency. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies and research. www.russellblaylockmd.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 24:39
Photos for video Dr. Blaylock Exposes Obama's Nazi Healthcare System
DescriptionPhysician who ran for Illinois State Senate as ardent opponent of president's health care reform law says employer won't renew her contract Author: Mark Stothard Duration: 6:36
Photos for video Doctor Fired For Going Against Obamacare
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney faceoff in an epic Thumb War. The stakes couldn't be higher. Obama vs. Romney - The Showdown: Leading up to the presidential election we'll learn everything there is to know about Obama and Romney's stances on the issues. But this election season, The NOC brings you the only "debate" that matters: Which candidate will win The NOC Decathlon! 10 weeks. 10 Events. For the fate of our country. SUBSCRIBE to The NOC to see the next episode! SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com LIKE us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FOLLOW us on TWITTER: twitter.com ABOUT US: The NOC is an entertainment channel about the personalities and lives of athletes. Catch the world's most famous sports stars saying and doing the unexpected each week on The NOC! Author: NOC Duration: 1:29
Photos for video Obama vs Romney Thumb War - Ep 8 - The NOC
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney play 1-on-1 Basketball at the West 4th Street Courts in New York City. Episode 6 of "Obama vs. Romney: Presidential FaceOFF." Obama vs Romney: Presidential FaceOFF Leading up to the presidential election we'll learn everything there is to know about Obama and Romney's stances on the issues. But this election season, The NOC brings you the only "debate" that matters: Which candidate will win The NOC Decathlon! 10 weeks. 10 Events. For the fate of our country. SUBSCRIBE to The NOC to catch the whole Decathlon! SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com LIKE us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FOLLOW us on TWITTER: twitter.com ABOUT US: The NOC is an entertainment channel about the personalities and lives of athletes. Catch the world's most famous sports stars saying and doing the unexpected each week on The NOC! Author: NOC Duration: 1:58
Photos for video Obama vs Romney 1-on-1 Basketball - Ep 6 - The NOC
IF YOU FEEL THIS VIDEO IS IMPORTANT, PLEASE SPREAD THE LINK AROUND ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK. It only takes a minute. ALL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL / IMAGES IN THIS VIDEO USED PER THE FAIR USE ACT and is presented here for educational purposes only for no profit. All other rights reserved. The analysis and script are original to the video creator. WATCH THIS VIDEO and see how you can PROVE THAT OBAMA IS THE SON OF FBI-IDENTIFIED COMMUNIST FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS THE WAY THE FBI DOES THIS KIND OF THING. Watch via morphing technology how Obama's mother and Obama Sr. do NOT create Barack Obama's face, but morphing Obama's mother and Frank Marshall Davis DOES create Barack Obama's face, just as nature itself did 50 years ago. Then follow the instructions and do it yourself. Then tell everyone you know. if Barack Obama has been lying to the world and is really, in essence, Frank Marshall Davis Jr, then this is extremely serious business - and the election is right around the corner. Obama must not win re-election. The stakes are too high and the unknowns too vast and potentially frightening, now. The Liberals are getting EXTREMELY nervous about this, their sense of fear clearly infuriates them and so the liberals have started posting demands (I remove them generally because this isn't a playground for trolls) as a way of mocking this video. Very well, the comments cannot take links but the video descriptions can, so here are some examples of the FBI and other law enforcement using <b>...</b> Author: ObamasDadIsDavis Duration: 7:13
Photos for video HOW TO PROVE THAT OBAMA'S FATHER IS FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS, via Fair Use Act material
This is what I call talent. Africa has talent. These puppets dance so well that even Youtube noticed and said "Your video has too much shaking!" Author: freegem30 Duration: 3:52
Photos for video Puppets Show in Africa! Like Like Like!
Ron Paul 2012! (Share, rate, Comment) I made this video to prove to people that Ron Paul is being ignored by the mainstream bought out media because they know he can bring real change to the country.. Ron Paul wants to bring the troops home from 5 bloodied and immoral wars, he wants to reduce the size of government which has gotten totally out of control, he believes in freedom, peace and liberty, he has never voted to raise the Debt ceiling or Taxes and he has real Ideas to save the economy.. Ron Paul 2012! Author: Tragedyand Hope Duration: 11:34
Photos for video Ron Paul 2012: Why the media ignores Ron Paul