Beyonce Sings US National Anthem Inauguration 2013 Beyonce Perform @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013 - Beyonce sings at last for president Obama @ white house 2013 Tags::pique fontas dos santos thiago alcantara la masia ballon dor tiki taka rooney 5-0 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 6-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-2 4-2 3-3 barcelona barca real madrid camp nou pedro goal passing leo blaugrana santander sevilla passing game panathinaikos zaragoza ceuta beautiful sevilla kazan camp nou free kick penalty complication new world cup holland germany chile paraguay eric abidal puyol keita yaya toure fc barcelona video HD how to make goal blaugrana 551 rihanna T-pain lil wayne justin bieber F50 la m Author: SVNewsToday Duration: 2:29
Photos for video Beyonce Performance @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013
This video examines a brief history of the United States militia, the formulation of the Second Amendment, court cases, real life incidents, and statistical data to debunk common gun control rhetoric used by anti-gun individuals, politicians, and organizations. Author: JeremyHopper007 Duration: 52:06
GIMME THEM 70+ THUMBS UP NOW! Follow Me On Twitter: Tweet This Video: This video features me prank calling some American voters to see who they voted for! Author: MediocreMichael Duration: 3:40
Share this: OFA.BO Tweet this: OFA.BO Stevie Wonder walks off President Obama by leading the crowd with a "Fired up! Ready to go!" sing-along. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 0:59
Photos for video Stevie Wonder Sings "Fired Up! Ready to Go!" at President Obama's Grassroots Rally in Cincinnati
Know someone who needs to see video proof? Many of Mitt Romney's flip-flops all in one video. Video compiled with clips from interviews, news, public appearances, and more. IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAIR USE ACT. Republican presidential political candidate and former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney has been known to say one thing...and then say another. Includes his changed policy stances over the years on universal health care, the auto bailouts, the bank / Wall Street bailouts, pro-choice (abortion) or pro-life, the minimum wage, gay rights, gun rights & the NRA, immigration / amnesty, gay rights, poverty, government spending & laws, social security & Medicare, the Department of No Child Left Behind, lobbyists / lobbying, campaign donations, economic stimulus, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, global warming, stem cell research, raising taxes, the Federal Reserve / Ben Bernanke, and more. Includes guest appearances by: Glen Johnson, Sean Hannity, Barack Obama, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Fred Thompson, Piers Morgan, Tim Russert, Shannon O'Brien, Larry King, Larry Kudlow, Ted Kennedy, Anderson Cooper, Al Sharpton, and others. Author: MiztirE Duration: 19:17
Photos for video The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection
This week: A Listening Post special - Whistleblowing and the US media. Four years ago, on the campaign trail, candidate Barack Obama shared his views on whistleblowers. He said: "Often the best source of information about waste, fraud and abuse in government is a government employee committed to public integrity, willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism ... should be encouraged rather than stifled." As president, the reality has been very different. On his watch, six whistleblowers have been charged under the Espionage Act for allegedly mishandling classified information. That is twice as many as all past presidents combined. The threat facing whistleblowers has implications in many areas, including defence, intelligence and national security. And then there is the impact it is having on the US media - as the sources dry up, so too do the stories and the American people are left knowing less and less about what their government is doing. In the first half of this full edition special, we blow the whistle on President Obama's America. In the second half of the show, Jesselyn Radack, a lawyer who worked as an ethics adviser for the US Department of Justice, talks to us about the impact whistleblowing has had on US journalism and what news organisations are doing about it. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:52
Photos for video Blowing the whistle on Obama's America
1:00-2:30 Welcome everyone, we have a great panel today with William Quigley of Clearstone Ventures. 2:30-3:30 Also with us in entrepreneur Sean Percival. Sean, how many angels were in your A round for Wittlebee? 3:30-5:30 Thank you so much to eMinutes for their support! Everyone tweet their thanks @eminutes and contact them if you're an entrepreneur looking to incorporate! 5:30-7:30 Let's start with Google Drive, the long-awaited file storage and syncing system. Will these new conveniences mean that people are switching over en masse from Dropbox? 7:30-9:45 William: When Dropbox started, there were a few competitors, but every VC I spoke to thought of it as a commodity. 9:45-10:45 Sean, you're a Dropbox user, will this sway you to switch? 10:45-12;30 Why wouldn't you give ever Apple user the 100 gig free iCloud? 12:30-14:45 William, would you put your money on Dropbox today? Would you invest? 16:30-20:15 The controversial CISPA act was passed by the House yesterday. The bill is designed to facilitate sharing of information between private companies and the government over supposed cyber-security threats. If this passes the Senate, do you think Obama will veto it? 20:15-23:00 William: Why would all these companies who pretend to be pro-user roll over to the government? Is it fear of lawsuit? 23:00-25:45 Thank you to Trada for sponsoring TWIST! If you're looking for SEM experts, check out Trada! 25:45-30:45 The six general partners of Andreessen Horowitz have pledged to <b>...</b> Author: ThisWeekIn Duration: 74:19
Photos for video - Startups - News Panel with William Quigley and Sean Percival - TWiST #252
The President speaks to the press after meeting with Congressional leaders from both parties at the White House, saying that he looks forward to working with them on continuing the economic recovery, cutting the Federal deficit and ratifying a new START treaty. November 30, 2010. Author: whitehouse Duration: 8:39
Photos for video President Obama on Bipartisan Meeting
Here is proof Obama was born in Kenya. Impeachment and trial soon underway. Michelle Obama Admits Kenya is Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country * The United States Constitution mandates the President of the United States must be a United States "natural born" Citizen -- Article II, Section I; * Obama was born in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, Africa; * Obama is an Indonesian Citizen as he was adopted/acknowledged by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Citizen; and * The Healthcare bill (ObamaCare) signed into Law by Obama on March 23, 2010 is unconstitutional and voidable since he is ineligible to serve as President of the United States. The crucial issues regarding Obama, the "IMPOSTOR", continue to grow. However, the most important issue is Obama not being Constitutionally eligible to be President: 1) not being "natural born" being born in Mombasa, Kenya; and 2) even more important the fact that Obama was "adopted" or "acknowledged" by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and his school record in Indonesia indicates the "Impostor's" name as "Barry Soetoro" and his nationality being "Indonesia". Obama, the Impostor's legal name is "Barry Soetoro". Author: majikspell1 Duration: 3:04
Photos for video Barack H Obama Born in Kenya The REAL Birth Certificate !
Get the latest Penn EVERYDAY: Penn doesn't think he has turned into a cynic because he's not a blind Obama follower. When Penn Jillette has an opinion it's a safe bet he won't hold back. Upload your own reaction and get the rants rolling! Tune in each week for new insight and agitation. Follow PennSays on Twitter: tags: Penn Says I Don't Think I'm a Cynic He's not a blind Obama follower. penn jillette teller bullshit showtime crackle vlog commentary honest libretarian atheist Author: pennsays Duration: 3:54