Last night we saw what happens when things don't go Romney's way. Tweet this: Facebook it: Tumblr: Author: DemRapidResponse Duration: 0:57
If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Like on Facebook for updates! Or if you're a tweeter: They're hot and they're cold. Follow my Facebook or Twitter: | Please subscribe!: Any video suggestions? Comment below! Check out Brock's Dubs! Thanks to Tyler Prentiss, Shafer Powell, and Joseph Beard for some great suggestions! Author: baracksdubs Duration: 1:39
Photos for video Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Singing Hot and Cold by Katy Perry
Who is this man Barack Hussein Obama? Could he be son of perdition and the man trying to create a (false) peace? For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.1 Thessalonians 5:3 Author: TheJonathankleck Duration: 7:07
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Computer experts say individuals with upcoming bachelor parties or afterwork get-togethers are especially vulnerable to cyber attacks resulting in fraudulent late-night purchases. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:28
Photos for video Insidious Worm Makes Unauthorized Purchases When Computer User Is Drunk
Obama 2012: Are you in? We have to work like our futures depend on it this last week. Visit to help in the final days of the election, or visit http to find your polling place on Tuesday. Music by Benh Zeitlin and Dan Romer Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:21
Photos for video Barack Obama: "We Have a Lot of Work to Do"
Part 2 of 11 of the 10-7-2008 Presidential Debate between senator John McCain and senator Barack Obama. See part 3 here: Author: KyleGates2010 Duration: 9:50
Photos for video Part 2 of 11 - Second Presidential Debate - John McCain and Barack Obama, October 7, 2008
Barack Obama discusses the importance of The Separation of Church and State in a pluralistic society. To compare his views on this all-important issue to those of John McCain (and others) with an incisive analysis by Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and John Hodgman, see Author: yocom2 Duration: 5:11
Photos for video Barack Obama on Religion and Politics