Noam Chomsky on public opinion, public policy, masochist streaks, elections, NPR, Barack Obama, war in Iraq, Iran, Bolivia etc. Author: observationspring Duration: 8:51
Photos for video :: Noam Chomsky : Does public opinion count? ::
(nb! video starts at 0:11) "-We should apply to ourselves the standards we apply to others." Excerpt from the documentary "Power and Terror - Noam Chomsky In Author: knutoletube Duration: 1:52
Photos for video Chomsky on Hypocrisy of Bombing Afghanistan
PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE Please Rate, comment, favorite, and SHARE. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and government inaction should matter, to you! ADDRESS THIS ISSUE IN THE CNN*YOUTUBE DEBATES: THIS IS FOR THE SOLDIERS. ORG Iraq and Afganistan Veterans of America CBS Story on the Veteran Suicide Epidemic: Part 1 Part 2 NPR / All Things Considered Story: Information on PTSD issues: PTSD related Incident Timeline: EMAIL THE 08' PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: EMAIL CONGRESS! 8/?gclid=CMC7zp7L5Y8CFQyAHgodCya3ZA CONTACT THE SENATE CONTACT THE HOUSE This video can be used and redistributed, by anyone, in it's original form without attribution. Please attach provided links. Thank you, for your time. -Allen Author: JustA11en Duration: 6:25
Photos for video Veteran Suicides, PTSD, and Election 08': DOES AMERICA CARE?
Watch US Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama answer questions from YouTube. The Senator talks about technology and foreign policy, and plays a round of "Hope or Nope." Thanks to everyone who submitted questions for the interview. Question on pakistan: Question on Africa: Question themes for "Hope or Nope" from users: j0eg0d, urbanwarrior, JSResponds, AmericanWayne, dooglio. To learn more about Senator Obama, go to his YouTube You Choose '08 channel at: Author: citizentube Duration: 9:26
Photos for video The YouTube Interview: Barack Obama
Illinois Senator and 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama visits Google's Mountain View, CA, headquarters to deliver his innovation agenda, speak with Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and take questions from Google employees. This event took place on November 14, 2007, as part of the Candidates@Google series. Author: AtGoogleTalks Duration: 64:32
Obama 2012: Are you in? As a guest on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Barack shows off his dancing skills. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 1:25
In Aiken, SC, Barack Obama tells the story about Edith Childs, a councilwoman from Greenwood, SC, who gave him the chant "Fired up, ready to go!" Then the leads the cheer. Author: Tom Grant Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Barack Obama "Fired up, ready to go!
Obama 2012: Are you in? This short documentary chronicles the effect of student involvement on Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 9:50
The most heated moments from the AFL-CIO Democratic forum came when the topic turned to Senator Barack Obama and his claim for the last debate that he would invade Pakistan to fight terrorism, even without permission from President Pervez Musharraf. Senator Chris Dodd was asked about his critical response to Obama's statements and reiterates his criticism and things get going from there. Obama stands his ground and jabs Dodd and Clinton for voting for the invasion of Iraq, then turning around and attacking him "for making sure we are on the right battlefield, and not the wrong battlefield in the war against terrorism," which drew huge applause from the audience. Senator Clinton once again attacked Obama on this issue which didn't go over well with the crowd... Author: sptdonkey Duration: 5:04
Photos for video Obama gets Cheers - Hillary Gets Booed