Marc Faber speaks at the Mises Institute, and, frankly, I've never seen Mr. Marc Faber make such blunt statements on the dire outcome he expects. Author: RealNewsChannel Duration: 17:46
Photos for video MARK FABER: "GET THESE BASTARDS TO SPEND AGAIN......WE ARE ALL DOOMED". - For The Book Go To Glenn Beck spent a full hour with author Paul Kengor about his new book "The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor" There were hundreds of thousands of American communists like Frank who agitated throughout the twentieth century. They chose the wrong side of history, a horrendously bloody side that left a wake of more than 100 million corpses from the streets of the Bolshevik Revolution to the base of the Berlin Wall—double the combined dead of the century's two world wars. And they never apologized. Quite the contrary, they cursed their accusers for daring to charge (correctly) that they were communists whose ideology threatened the American way and the greater world and all of humanity. They took their denials to the grave, and still today their liberal/progressive dupes continue to conceal their crimes and curse their accusers for them. We need hundreds and thousands of more books on American communists like Frank, so we can finally start to get this history right— and, more so, learn its vital lessons. To fail to do so is a great historical injustice. We especially need to flesh out these lessons, which are morality tales in the truest sense of the word, when we find the rarest case of a man like "Frank" managing to influence someone as influential as the current president of the United States of America—the leader of the free world and driver of the mightiest political <b>...</b> Author: GlennBeckBookList Duration: 38:26
Photos for video WATCH The Communist author Paul Kengor w/ Glenn Beck on the Radio Frank Marshall Davis Obama Mentor
Please use Twitter hashtag #DialO4Murder to Tweet this video. Read the below article with embedded links on Obama Files website: April 3, Liberal website Mediaite, alerted by Obama propaganda front Media Matters, was hopping mad at Fox News for permitting news anchor Heather Childers to tweet a link to a Godfather Politics article questioning Obama's birth certificate. Mediaite contacted Fox News, to which Fox News VP Michael Clemente dutifully took Childers behind the news shed to let her know birther talk was not allowed, and Clemente offered an abject apology to Mediaite. The Godfather Politics article cites a WND video interview and accompanying article conducted with Hollywood producer Bettina Viviano, where she alleges that while she was producing a documentary about Obama campaign delegate fraud in 2008, she heard Bill and Hillary Clinton question Obama's eligibility, and that Bill Clinton had planned on making a statement that Obama was not eligible to be President. The groundbreaking allegation, however—and what mainly got Heather Childers in trouble for tweeting—is that Viviano alleged Bill Clinton was told that if he went public with this statement, with the murder of Clinton's friend Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney as a warning, his daughter Chelsea would be murdered if he mentioned the Obama eligibility issue. The Chelsea Clinton threat of murder story currently seems to be dead in the MSM, but as of the posting of this video, it is <b>...</b> Author: Kris Zane Duration: 6:39
Photos for video Insider: Bill Clinton Told to Keep Quiet about Obama Eligibility or Chelsea Would be Murdered
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Photos for video Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO
The president announces a complete Iraq pullout by the end of the year; NATO completes its Libyan mission; and why many keep turning to the gruesome images of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's final moments. Please visit in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 5:37
They make a surprise visit to eat at 32 Pier Restaurant in Hamilton, Indiana. Maybe he'll back to Indy and play some basketball. Author: Jamal Boone Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Barack Obama Joe Biden surprise Pier Restaurant in Indiana
Obama Girl returns to youtube! brings you the latest from Obama Girl...a pleas for Senator Clinton to stop attacking her man Obama. MORE BARELY Click here to subscribe! Follow us on Twitter Check out our websites http Friend us on Facebook & Myspace Leave us a voicemail 1-(646)-827-2202 Watch Amber's channel -- Author: barelypolitical Duration: 3:20
Photos for video Hillary! Stop the attacks! Love, Obama Girl