Showing posts with label Against obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Against obama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL abomination

Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL Is America number one ? This is an important questions as i see many Americans say 'We are number one' Yet i have never received an explanation for this. I agree that the separation of church and state is amazing, and God opened the earth for America to be born ans to flee the persecution of the papacy in Europe. But RE 13 tells us that Usa,America would start as a Lamb, but who end up having the Devil talk through it. Some of the sins America Usa need to repent of are: RACISM PRIDE SELFISHNESS FEMINISM WHITCHCRAFT Sunday is the mark of the beast as explained in RE 13 DA7 And the books The great controversy Daniel and the Revelation National sunday law It is a sad fact to think that million and the majority of Americans in the Usa , if examining the sabbath- sunday issue and continuing to keep Sunday will receiveTHE MARK OF THE BEAST It does not matter if this person has been to church all their lives or how much good they have done. The pharisees went to church all their lives, nevertheless they were devils. God wants people to follow Him rather than the power the PAPACY who had so much arrogance that they tried to change the 10 COMMANDMENTS written by God's finger. How deceived and proud can you be to want to change what God wrote with His finger! THE SABBATH IS THE SEAL OR MARK OF GOD SUNDAY IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST Examine the facts i urge you <b>...</b>
Author: SongOfLove77
Duration: 59:51

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Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL abomination
Video Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL abomination Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL abomination Is America Usa really number 1? USA - Collapse of USA FINANCES and SPIRITUAL abomination

Saturday, January 19, 2013

euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders

euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking He is one of the most respected and influential foreign policy veterans in Washington: Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter. Brzezinski was one of the earliest establishment supporters of the then-Senator Barack Obama for president. In an exclusive interview with euronews, Brzezinski praises Obama's new foreign policy team and urges Europe, America's number one ally, to provide more evocative forward-looking leadership. *Stefan Grobe, euronews Washington correspondent:* Dr. Brzezinski, Barack Obama picked two former Senate colleagues of his to run the State and Defense departments, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel. Both men draw heavily on Vietnam War experience. Is that a mere coincidence or is there a particular Obama message behind these nominations? *Zbigniew Brzezinski:* Oh, it's a little bit of both. I don't think it's designed, particularly, to convey in some fashion the importance of the lessons to be drawn from Vietnam, but on the other hand it certainly was a major episode in America's adventure on the global scale. And in that sense both of them distinguish themselves and both, probably, are wise enough to draw some wider lessons from it. *euronews:* Do we have something like an Obama doctrine, yet? *Brzezinski:* We have an Obama doctrine, but I have often said - and at some political risk to myself -- we have an Obama doctrine, we don't have an Obama strategy. I think these two guys can provide the strategy for <b>...</b>
Author: Euronews
Duration: 9:01

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euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders
Video euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders euronews interview - Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders

Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of Office

Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of OfficePresident Barack Obama is sworn in to his second term as president by Chief Justice John Roberts.
Author: ABCNews
Duration: 7:39

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Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of Office
Video Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of Office Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of Office Inauguration 2013: President Obama Official Oath of Office

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cueca na bagun

Cueca na bagunObrigada por assistir! O celular na cueca A elei
Author: nilmoretto
Duration: 7:50

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Cueca na bagun
Video Cueca na bagun Cueca na bagun Cueca na bagun

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up?

Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up?Will The Real James Holmes Please Stand Up? By Kris Zane We know that Barack Hussein Obama drank from the bottle of Frank Marshall Davis' communism for a decade. We know he held hands with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. We know he surrounded himself with radicals once ascending his throne in the Oval Office. We know he shipped guns to Mexican drug cartels as an excuse to tighten gun control. These are so-called conspiracy theories. We found it odd that the Colorado massacre occurred days before the UN small arms treaty vote that would in effect eventually ban guns in the United States. We found it predictable that Obama was screaming gun control before the victims were even in the ground. We found it predictable that Obama's surrogates were screaming the same, including Nanny Bloomberg and the gaggle of Lefties at MSNBC and all their clones throughout the mainstream media. Conspiracy theorists wondered whether the massacre was orchestrated by the government. Conspiracy theorists wondered if James Holmes was part of some type of CIA mind control program given that he appeared to be drugged during the preliminary hearing. His statements while behind bars that he had no idea why he was in jail were scoffed at by his jailers as trying to fake insanity; trying to fake amnesia. But that really didn't make sense, as his jailers would not testify at trial, the defense and prosecution's psychiatrists would. But what has thrown many "conspiracy theorists <b>...</b>
Author: Kris Zane
Duration: 3:07

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Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up?
Video Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up? Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up? Will the Real James Holmes Please Stand Up?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr

FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr25/06/2012 REPORTAGES Tout en images, un regard d
Author: france24
Duration: 3:04

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FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr
Video FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr FRANCE 24 Reportages - Le sort de l'ObamaCare dans les mains de la Cour Supr

Monday, May 30, 2011

Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip)

Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip)Subscribe: Hey guys - just found a great way to recycle old gadgets and get some $$ in return. Pretty much all Best Buys are participating in this program, so round up your Beta Maxes in your garage and get some green! Best Buy: Gadget Girl on Facebook Gadget Girl on Twitter: E-mail Gadget Girl: Gadget Girl is a Bi-Weekly Tech and Gadget show featuring the latest news, break throughs, and all things awesome. The show stars Amber Lee (Obama Girl), our resident gadget nerd. TAGS: "amber lee" "green tip" "green tips" recycling "recycle electronics" "electronics recycling" "money for gadgets" "old gadgets" gadget "gadget girl" tech "social good" "obama girl" "barely political" "key of awesome" "make money"
Author: GadgetGirlShow
Duration: 1:08

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Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip)
Video Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip) Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip) Get Money For Your Gadgets (Gadget Girl - Green Tip)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my life

Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my lifeIn his first and only interview since the death of Osama bin Laden, President Obama tells "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Kroft about the mission that led to the killing of the al Qaeda leader.
Author: CBSNewsOnline
Duration: 3:11

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Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my life
Video Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my life Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my life Obama on OBL raid: Longest 40 minutes of my life