BUY ALBUM NOW! FULL ALBUM 'SOUNDTRACK TO THE STRUGGLE' Follow Lowkey on To join Lowkey on Facebook click here: The new single Obama Nation (produced by Red Skull) taken from Lowkey's forthcoming album Soundtrack To The Struggle... Author: Globalfaction Duration: 3:28
From the assassination of JFK to the events of 9/11, more and more Americans are slowly realising things are not what they seem in the mainstream US media. RT spoke to former politican Jesse Ventura, who revealed some of the dirty secrets of Capitol Hill... Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:35
Photos for video Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies
We speak with acclaimed Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy on President Obama, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, India and Kashmir and much more. Roy also talks about her journey deep into the forests of central India to report on the Maoist insurgency. Author: mediagrrl9 Duration: 9:07
Photos for video Arundhati Roy on Obamas Wars, India, and Why Democracy is The Biggest Scam in the World 2 of 3
In this edition : Barack Obama addresses Iran on the occasion of the Persian New Year. The web reacts. In Singapore, the blogosphere debates the merits of the death penalty for drug traffickers. And an information site denouncing the misdeeds of the rich and powerful. Author: france24english Duration: 5:02
Photos for video Obama addresses Iran on the occasion of the Persian New Year
"Are you ready to say you were wrong and the war was right?" -- Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room, Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 "There's atonement that has to happen here. We invaded a sovereign nation that, whether we liked the leader of that country or not, we have no business invading another country. It is not the business of the United States to do that. That was wrong, it was immoral. What we're doing in Afghanistan is wrong and it's immoral. President Obama needs to not make that his war and bring those troops home. ... " Author: mmflint Duration: 6:30
Photos for video Michael Moore in The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer - March 17, 2010 - Part 2
"IMAX: Hubble 3D" debuts at the Air and Space Museum...we give it the "red carpet" treatment - checking out the movie, checking in with the astronaut stars, listening to the star who voiced it over - Leonardo DiCaprio, and weighing in with the director and the NASA brass about the wow-factor of the IMAX experience. Also: a Falcon 9 "hot fire" disappoints, the shuttle program manager says "no problem" for shuttle to keep flying, and safely -- it's only a question of money -- and Obama gets ready to speak up for his controversial new plan for NASA...and braces for what promises to be a firestorm of protest at planned April 15 conference on the future of America's space program. Author: spaceflightnow Duration: 25:28
Photos for video This Week in Space 10 - March 12, 2010
We look at the impact of the country's recent parliamentary elections on the nation's stability and US withdrawal plans. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:30
Photos for video Riz Khan - US withdrawal from Iraq
A decision nears from President Obama on the future of the manned space program, Elon Musk of SpaceX VEHEMENTLY denies his rockets will be unsafe for astronauts, the clock ticks down to the launch of the shuttle Endeavour, the rover Spirit moves (but just a little), and Miles checks out the lunar inspired artwork of moonwalker Alan Bean. Author: spaceflightnow Duration: 18:08
Photos for video This Week in Space 3 - January 24, 2010
In a special edition from Washington DC, Obama charts a new course for NASA that pumps billions into the commercial sector while ending plans to return to the Moon. We'll hear the details from NASA's Lori Garver, talk politics with Florida Senator Bill Nelson, check in with the Augustine Commission's Leroy Chiao, debate rocket safety with commercial space supporters and Constellation's Old Guard, and hear the musings of Buzz Aldrin. Author: spaceflightnow Duration: 29:12
Photos for video This Week in Space 5 - February 3, 2010