Minutes after President Barack Obama left a stage flanked by supporters where he implored Congressional Republicans to support a tentative deal to avoid going over the fiscal cliff, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) took to the floor of the Senate to accuse the president of "antagonizing" Republicans. He said that, based on the president's casual press conference, he and the American people have to wonder whether Obama believes it is in his interest to go over the cliff Author: Buzz sourse Duration: 2:37
Photos for video McCain Blasts Obama For Jokes In Press Conference Wanting To Go Over Cliff For Political Benefit
Provided courtesy of: enqinet.com She's a former nun, an Army major, a lawyer, a college professor and a physician. Now Dr. Barbara Bellar wants to be a state senator from Illinois, and she has one question about ObamaCare "What the blank could possibly go wrong?" Bellar asks, tongue in cheek, after delivering a one-sentence indictment of President Obama's health care law. Bellar, a Republican candidate running for office in the state's 18th district, gave the extended one-liner while warming up the crowd at a recent event for GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Someone captured it on video, and now the doctor's diagnosis of the Affordable Care Act is an Internet sensation with more than 2 million views. "So, let me get this straight. This is a long sentence," Bellar begins. "We are going to be gifted with a health care plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don't," Bellar continues, "signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke." Bellar then launched into a longer speech, but the friendly crowd at the event dubbed "Women for Romney was already in the palm of her hand.. "I had no idea I was being videotaped," Bellar told FoxNews.com. "I meant it as a light opener to a more serious issue. It did take on a life of its own." But <b>...</b> Author: ENQINET PAAS Duration: 2:20
Photos for video Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence (Doctors Video Goes Viral)
Some have called American banks too big to fail and this may be true. Last week, JP Morgan Chase recorded a $2 billion loss which caused the stock market to plummet and over the weekend, Jaime Dimon, Chief Executive Officer of JP Morgan, explained to the media that their practices were a little "sloppy." Many believe that if the US government had tougher regulation on these banks that continuously seek to get bailed out the US wouldn't be in the poor economic state it's in. Charlie McGrath, founder of WideAwakeNews.com, joins us with his take on JP Morgan. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 9:37
www.neuroticy.com - As the president was shaking hands and making his way through the crowd, he met up with Stephon, who was born deaf. "I am proud of you," Stephon signed to the president. Not missing a beat, President Obama signed back: "Thank you." Another deaf student then signed to the president, "I love you." The president smiled back at her and shook her hand. For Stephon's statement, visit his video here: youtu.be Author: Neuroticy3 Duration: 0:45
Photos for video President Obama Signs To Deaf Fan
Obama: Folks Faint All The Time At My Events. What do you think slackers? Link to the video: www.youtube.com Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com Let's be friends on Facebook! *NEW* on.fb.me Link to JimboDzn's channel who made my new layout! www.youtube.com Subscribe to my second channel for more videos! youtube.com If you're reading this, comment this video saying: Obama you fancy huh? Keywords: Obama: Folks Faint All The Time At My Events Faint Obama all the time North Carolina Author: JustTurnOnTheCamera Duration: 3:20
Photos for video President Barack Obama: Folks Faint All The Time At My Events
South Sudan becomes the world's newest nation Saturday; the columnist David Leonhardt questions if President Obama is to blame for slow job growth; and the latest on the British phone-hacking scandal. Please visit nyti.ms in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at nytimes.com Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 6:30
DemocracyNow.org - Ralph Nader and Daniel Ellsberg plan to participate in a major protest on Saturday in Washington, DC, to mark the eight-year anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. They were interviewed on Democracy Now! March 18. Ellsberg will risk arrest by participating in nonviolent civil disobedience actions by Veterans for Peace, among others, to protest the ongoing military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Innocents are being slaughtered," Nader says. "Why don't we say what's on the minds of many legal experts? That the Obama administration is committing war crimes. And if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached." Author: mediagrrl9 Duration: 2:28
Photos for video Daniel Ellsberg & Ralph Nader Join March 19th Protest in DC Marking 8th Anniversary of Iraq War
During a news conference Tuesday, President Obama expressed frustration with reporters for expecting immediate results; in this case with regards to incorporating recommendations from the bipartisan fiscal commission. Author: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 1:07
Photos for video Obama to Reporters - "You Guys Are Pretty Impatient"
Americans are buying guns and ammunition at record levels. The reasons seem easy to determine. President Obama promises to be the most Second Amendment hostile president of all-time. Obama has a full democratic Congress and they may pass the most extreme gun control ever seen. Any new gun control acts may likely cause Waco and Ruby Ridge-style standoffs, and many may die. Some of the reasons for ammo shortages in no order of importance: Fear of Obama's gun control Possible Economic Collapse Terrorism Civil War Crime Riots (Post Obama Assassination) Food Shortages Suspension of Police Services (2004 Blackout, etc.) Standard Paranoia Hank Williams Jr. Cant Reload in Ammunition Shortage www.bloomberg.com Ammo shortage a concern for area www.clarecountyreview.com Obama Causes Ammo Shortage www.npr.org President Barack Obama; Gun Dealer In Chief www.mercedsunstar.com Author: MidNightRider2001 Duration: 9:29
Photos for video Ammo Scarce: Americans Prep For Gun Bans, Chaos, Terrorism, Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse