SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsSampleChops Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Models Edition - Crazy Hard Rap Instrumental Beat 2012 Download
SUBSCRIBE - Website - Profit Use Download Here - http Follow me on Twitter - Like it on FaceBook - Channel - My Contact Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE BEATS. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired to keep creating beats. Also i am thinking about purchasing the new MPC Renaissance <b>...</b> Author: BAGEBeatsSampleChops Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Instrumental Beats Models Edition - Hard Rap Instrumental Beat Street Banger
SUBSCRIBE - Dope YaDig T-Shirts - Do You Make Beats Also - Download Instrumentals Here - Follow me on Twitter - Like Me on FaceBook - Main Channel - My Website - My Email - Instrumental Music to Download Here - Tons of Hip-Hop Instrumental Beats available to download Via TinyPay MP3 Links. All Rap Beats are Produced By BAGE Production. All Instrumental Beats are easy to download and can be used right away for Creating songs or background music for your YouTube Videos. Lease This Beat (Link Below) ========================================================== Me and my Production Setup Here is some information about me and my Music Production i started making Hip Hop Instrumental Beats about 10 years ago i learned to use programs like Propellerhead Reasons, Fruity Loops, Logic Pro And Pro tools. I also learned how to use a Akai MPC 2500 they are all great tools to use to create beats and i would recommend any of them. My newest setup consist of a iMac, Native Instruments Maschine, and a Korg Triton Pro 61 Keyboard. I don't use any of the sounds in the Korg Triton Pro anymore because they are kinda out dated so i use it as a midi controller for my VSTi plugins. My favorite plugins to use would be the Nexus, Sylenth1 and Gladiator i use those three the most they have great sounds and i would recommend them to anyone who are looking for great cutting edge sounds they keep me inspired <b>...</b> Author: BAGEreMasteredBeats Duration: 4:15
Photos for video AMAZING NEW - Rap Beat With Bounce Instrumental (Beat Making) (Music,Industry,Song,Writer,Radio)
In mezzora del 18 novembre 2012 - Lucia Annunziata intervista Nichi Vendola, governatore della Regione Puglia e candidato alle primarie del centro sinistra. Guarda tutti i video di In Author: rai Duration: 30:16
Link to Brady's SixtySymbols video: MinutePhysics is on Google+ - And facebook - And twitter - @minutephysics Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute! Music by Nathaniel Schroeder Thanks to Nima Doroud, Brady Haran, Destinws2, Derek Muller, CGPGrey, Justin Son, Dan Owens, Dan Welty, Fran Poodry, Ryan Mitchell, Robert Emrich, Chris Conley, Liz Henriquez, Matt Smith, Shane MacLeod, James Goodwin, and Matt Hewes for contributions and to Perimeter Institute for support. Author: minutephysics Duration: 3:49
Photos for video Open Letter to the President: Physics Education Professor Noam Chomsky discusses activism, the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, how activists and progressives should approach the 2012 election, and more on the Matthew Filipowicz Show. http Author: matthewmattmatt Duration: 29:42
Photos for video Noam Chomsky Discusses Activism, Occupy, The 2012 Election On The Matthew Filipowicz Show
They can't handle the truth about the President nor their "pastors." Comment Policy: *Exit Churchianity isn't a lecture where only one person speaks while everyone else listens. It's a place for followers of Christ to dialogue & discuss real issues that are often brushed under the rug... Author: EXlTCHURCHIANITY Duration: 30:16
Photos for video Black Female Obamites Are Emotional Train Wrecks
I do not own this, nor is this posted for profit. Classic "debate" (more like "burial") between Professor Noam Chomsky and former Assistant Secretary of Defense (under President Reagan) Richard Perle. Tags: Noam Chomsky Richard Perle Ronald Reagan George Bush Clinton Barack Obama Kennedy imperialism imperialist William f buckley anton batey antonbatey debate iraq saddam Hussein Guatemala cuba castro socialism socialist communist capitalist capitalism soviet union ussr mao china islam bin laden terrorism terrorist Author: AntonBatey Duration: 128:10
Photos for video Noam Chomsky vs. Richard Perle (1988 debate on US Foreign Policy)
This week hosts Blair Late, Chelsea Cannell, and Samantha Gutstadt recap all the best and worst fashions from 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Plus they talk about Justin Bieber's nail polish line, male model sexism, Vivienne Westwood's new looks, Michelle Obama's State Dinner dress, and more! Plus they look at Fashion Winners and Losers like Kerry Washington, Emily Blunt, Jessica Alba, and Alex Chung. In Seen on Screen the girls show you how to recreate the look of Kathleen Rose Perkins' character Carol Rance on "Episodes." For more information, show notes, and schedules, visit Author: ThisWeekIn Duration: 31:08
Photos for video This Week in Fashion - First Lady Michelle Obama, Justin Bieber, 2011 Sundance, and Lake Bell
Currently in Afghanistan, there are 121000 US contractors and 68000 US troops. As a result of the coming surge, another 30000 troops and 56000 contractors are expected. But US lawmakers are afraid that the mistakes that plagued military contracting in Iraq will be repeated in Afghanistan. Will the shadow armies be required to protect the Afghan civilian population? What are the chances that military contractors could cause major damage to Americas mission in Afghanistan? Will the Obama administration be able to prevent the waste, fraud and abuse seen in Iraq? In a globalised world, perhaps it was inevitable that private companies would become major players in diplomacy. But the fact is that contractors are doing the job that the State Department, Pentagon and CIA once did on their own. Recently the CIA announced that it had stopped using Blackwater (now known as Xe Services) to conduct raids and other special operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, but some press reports say Xe Services are still at the center of a secret program in Karachi, Pakistan, where they plan assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda members, among other operations. In this episode, we examine the role of US military contractors in Afghanistan as the US widens its footprint there. Joining Riz is Dov Zakheim, who was the Comptroller of the US Department of Defense from 2001-2004. He was also the coordinator of civilian programs in Afghanistan for the Pentagon from 2002-2004. He currently is a <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:23
"Only On The Web": In an exclusive "CBS Evening News" interview, Katie Couric speaks with Barack Obama about his foreign policy objectives and his position on the war in Iraq. Author: CBS Duration: 22:54