Linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky remains as vigorous as ever at the age of 84. His popularity - or notoriety as some would say - endures because he is still criticising politicians, business leaders and other powerful figures for not acting in the public's best interest. At the heart of Chomsky's work is examining the ways elites use their power to control millions of people, and pushing the public to resist. In this episode of Talk to Al Jazeera, Noam Chomsky sits down with Rosiland Jordan to talk about the two main tracks of his life: research and political activism. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:01
Photos for video Talk to Al Jazeera - Noam Chomsky: The responsibility of privilege
Read Articles by DJEHUTY MA'AT-RA: Products related to this video: Full Body Detox ( Total Woman Cleanse ( Total Man Cleanse ( Author: Dhealthstore Duration: 2:25
NEW YORK, July 10, 2012 — Educator, author and half-sister of President Obama Maya Soetoro-Ng discusses family ties, and contrasts her and Obama's experience of their late mother, in a talk with Asia Society President Vishakha Desai. (5 min., 6 sec.) Watch the complete program here: Author: asiasociety Duration: 2:49
Photos for video Obama's sister Maya Soetoro-Ng: On Family Ties and a Shared Mother
Daytime chat show host Ellen Degeneres challenged the US first lady, who was on the programme promoting her healthy eating and fitness program, to a push up contest to prove she practiced what she preached. The Ellen DeGeneres interview with Michelle Obama airs in the UK on Thursday 16 Feb, 2012 on Really Author: telegraphtv Duration: 2:49
Photos for video First Lady Michelle Obama does press ups on Ellen DeGeneres Show
From the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll, the USTA was thrilled to have President Barack Obama, along with tennis legends Chris Evert and Katrina Adams, on our 10 and Under Tennis courts and hitting with the next generation of American tennis stars. First Lady Michelle Obama has teamed up with the USTA to fight childhood obesity with the "Let's Move" campaign, targeting young children to develop happy, healthy lifestyles as they grow - and 10 and Under Tennis is a huge part of that effort. For more information about "Let's Move," go to For more information about 10 and Under Tennis, check out http For more videos, go to Copyright 2011, United States Tennis Association Author: tennis Duration: 1:40
Photos for video President Obama Plays 10 and Under Tennis