Read the Full Article For sedition against the Constitution "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. There can no longer be any doubt -- the forces of tyranny are running wild across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States. Arrogance and corruption has long festered in Washington DC, but the last decade has seen an extreme acceleration of criminal looting and attacks on liberty -- every freedom is under sustained assault. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:26 http President Barack Obama will cut short his traditional Christmas holiday in Hawaii, planning to leave for Washington on Wednesday evening as he and lawmakers consider how to prevent the economy from going over the so-called fiscal cliff. Obama was expected to arrive in Washington early Thursday, the White House said Tuesday night. First lady Michelle Obama and the couple's two daughters will remain in Hawaii. In the past, the president's end-of-the-year holiday in his native state had stretched into the new year. The first family had left Washington last Friday night. Congress was expected to return to Washington on Thursday. Before he departed for Hawaii, Obama told reporters he expected to be back in the capital the following week. Author: PastorDowell Duration: 17:14
I was walking through Flint, Michigan, recording a video on Hurricane Sandy, when I was interrupted by a guy who saw one of my videos on youtube. He mentioned the election and we started talking about Obama. He was a supporter and I rejected both Obama and Romney. This video is the raw, unedited footage of what happened. Enjoy! Should Blacks Support Obama in 2012? TOPICS Michigan Governor Synder Obama vs. Romney War in Iraq War in Afghanistan Author: DEMCAD Duration: 22:04
Photos for video STREET DISCUSSION: Should BLACKS Support OBAMA 2012?
Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Will the US continue to try to dictate its own agenda with hard power? Or will it 'lead from behind', accepting a more multilateral role working with the Arab people and their leaders? The Middle East has served as a setting for the grand narratives of American imperial power for generations. But with revolutions and attacked embassies, the Arab world is quickly and deftly slipping out of US control and the power the US has enjoyed in the Middle East may finally be reaching an end. As the Arab people begin to proactively tell their leaders and the world what they want, the question now becomes how the US, so accustomed to directing the region as it pleases, will deal with its diminishing power. Interviewees: Anne-Marie Slaughter: Princeton professor and former director of policy planning for the US State Department Robert Kaplan: national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine Francis Fukuyama: political scientist and author of nine books Pankaj Mishra: noted essayist and novelist. Guests: Steven Clemons: Washington editor-at-large of The Atlantic Marwan Muasher: vice president of studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and author John Esposito: professor of international affairs and Islamic studies at Georgetown University and the author of over 30 books Patrick Tyler: a journalist and author For more Empire: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 47:28
Photos for video Empire - The post-American Middle East
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Serving as legal counsel for The New York Times has provided David McCraw with insight into some of the landmark stories and media battles of the last ten years. He joins Media Mayhem to share some of his valuable knowledge of the legal dealings of the most respected newspaper in the free world. We talk about Julian Assange and Wikileaks, the freedom-of-information act and the Obama administration, and negotiating to release kidnapped journalists in political hotspots--among other things. Through it all, Mr. McCraw keeps his unflappable even-handedness no matter how tricky the subject. This is an incredibly informative talk that sheds light on the stakes of media and the defenders of information. GUEST BIO: David McCraw is Vice President and Assistant General Counsel of The New York Times Company, where he is responsible for litigation and for providing legal counsel to the newsrooms of The Times, The International Herald Tribune, and the company's other 15 newspapers as well as its websites. He has been at The Times since 2002. He previously served as Deputy General Counsel of The New York Daily News and a litigation associate at Clifford Chance and Rogers & Wells. He has lectured on US press law in various countries in the Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. McCraw has represented The New York Times in freedom of information lawsuits and other disputes involving the New York Police Department, the FBI and the Bush and the Obama <b>...</b> Author: TheLipTV Duration: 69:41
Photos for video Media Mayhem - Freedom of the Press & Hostage Negotiations with The NY Times Legal Counsel David McCraw
Check out my latest video: Ron Paul is the only candidate capable of defeating Barack Obama. Mitt Romney is not only unelectable, but his views are so liberal that it would make no difference whether he or Obama were President. Also, Kony 2012 is a video documentary that is highly misleading and promotes neo-colonialism and military intervention. Sign-up as a volunteer for Ron Paul's campaign: Click on the "Volunteer" tab Info on becoming a delegate: Find the date of your state's GOP primary/caucus: Register to vote: Make phone calls: Like Ron Paul on Facebook: Prioritize your YouTube homepage/subscriptions feed by clicking "see all" on the homepage left column under the subscriptions list and "pinning" your top 10 most important subscriptions to show up before the others! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Romney as liberal as Obama: Romney on gun control: 1994 Romney debates Ted Kennedy: Romney thanks Ted Kennedy: Romney hesitant to oppose Obamacare: Romney supports Obamacare provision: Obama agrees with Romney: Romney says he's progressive: Kony 2012 video: Ugandan blogger responds to Kony <b>...</b> Author: GoldBugShow Duration: 9:24
Photos for video Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Kony 2012
New York Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia sat down with's Mark Morgan and spoke about his excitement to have Barack Obama as President of the United States of America. Author: CBSSports Duration: 0:29
Photos for video MLB - CC Sabathia on President Obama
United States President Barack Obama and his wife danced with the pupils of a school in Mumbai in India. This visit was part of their tour in Asia.... No Comment | euronews: watch the international news without commentary | Author: nocommenttv Duration: 1:20
Photos for video Barack and Michelle Obama dance with Indian... - no comment
You should be with us in 2012, join now: President Obama speaks to tens of thousands of supporters in Columbus, Ohio, about the choice voters face in the 2010 elections. Get involved, at Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:33
From the creator of the documentary films Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica ( The Hanged Man Project is a dedicated movement for liberation from all forms of bondage and slavery. This project is meant to assist any existing cause, movement, or revolution dedicated to the liberation and evolution of all life. It is not meant to compete or to rival any individual or group. The Hanged Man is a quality and force to look beyond cherished beliefs and outdated concepts, not only on the physical level, but all subtle levels, and ultimately conscious. Please sign up at the mailing list at Videos are available at Author: HangedManProject Duration: 10:02
Photos for video Hanged Man Project - 4th of July Address
Barack Obama's address to his supporters in St. Paul, Minnesota after clinching the nomination to be the Democratic Party Candidate for President of the United States on June 3rd, 2008. This is an excerpt. Author: reverendmalibu Duration: 8:51
Photos for video Barack Obama Nomination Victory Speech in St. Paul 6/03/08