A tearful President Barack Obama says the country's leaders must "take meaningful action" regardless of politics in response to the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. (Dec. 14) Author: AssociatedPress Duration: 1:43
Photos for video Obama: We've Been Through This Too Many Times
Mon, Nov 19: Barack Obama is now the first American president to visit Myanmar - also known as Burma. As Eric Sorensen explains, this tells other Asian nations that America is willing to reach out and help. For more info, please go to www.globalnews.ca Author: GlobalToronto Duration: 2:28
Photos for video Global National - Obama visits Myanmar on tour of Asia
Obama is misschien de nieuwe president voor de VS, maar de campagnes zijn alweer in volle gang! 47 krijgt de taak om de presidentskandidaat te beschermen tegen andere sluipmoordenaars. Lukt het 47 om de sluipmoordenaars eerder te doden dan de presidentskandidaat? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wil jij een keer met ons meespelen, of wil je een intro hebben. Of wil je een gastrol insturen? Ga dan naar www.gameonnl.nl! Author: GameOnNL Duration: 6:51
Photos for video Hitman Blood Money - Vogeltjes schieten!
Gopi Ramanathan is a 14-year-old 8th grader at Sartell Middle School in Sartell, north of St. Cloud. He represented Minnesota at the 2010 National Geographic Bee. He likes to read and play sports, especially soccer. The person he most admires is President Obama. He enjoys learning about new cultures. Gopi will be competing at the National Geographic Bee championship in Washington, DC Watch on the National Geographic Channel Thursday, May 24 at 8 pm ET. The finals will be broadcast later on public television stations. Check local listings. Author: NationalGeographic Duration: 2:57
Photos for video National Geographic Bee 2012 - MN Finalist
The United States Congress is to begin debate on a controversial new bill that proposes dramatic changes to content copyright enforcement. The Stop Online Piracy Act, known as 'SOPA', calls for internet service providers to closely monitor all of the content that is transmitted across their network and to report suspected copyright infringements. Critics contend that this amounts to a new form of censorship while supporters argue it is the best way to protect the rights of copyright-holders. Author: france24english Duration: 8:55
Tonight on Adam vs. the Man with Adam Kokesh: Stories Obama tried to bury with the announcement of Bin Laden's death! Tonight, Adam covers why April was the bloodiest month in Iraq since 2009, what wars we have to look forward to next, how we're still screwed economically thanks to Obama, and why police are using tear gas -- on college students! Adam handicaps Obama's re-election odds with Gerald Celente and the campus activists who might determine just how much youth support Obama will have going into 2012. Author: AdamVsTheManRT Duration: 29:55
Photos for video Full Show - 5/3/11. The stories Obama is trying to bury with Bin Laden's death, Obama 2012 chances
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur on a CBO analysis showing that Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to cut 4 trillion dollars from the federal budget would actually increase the deficit. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Con Job - GOP Budget Exposed By CBO
You should be with us in 2012, join now: my.barackobama.com President Obama speaks to tens of thousands of supporters in Columbus, Ohio, about the choice voters face in the 2010 elections. Get involved, at my.BarackObama.com Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:33