Subscribe!!! More Speeches: Part of Listitude's 2012 Campaign Speeches Collection. Web: This is a clearer video of President Obama's victory speech made in the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago, Illinois after Election Day (November 6, 2012). The speech was made in the early morning hours due to the close election results, and after Mitt Romney called with his congratulations. Because of the early hour - actually on November 7, 2012, many Obama supporters missed the speech on TV, although many remained on hand for the live victory celebration and speech. At the beginning of the speech, Barack came out with his family, Michelle Obama and Sasha and Malia. Author: Listitude Duration: 30:07
Photos for video President Obama's Victory Speech [Full - Better Quality] Election Victory Speech (2012) This past week however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the 2011 attack on Libya. Please Help Us Make BB547 Bigger And Stronger By Making A Small Donation: Author: BillyBob547 Duration: 5:34
Photos for video Ron Paul On Syria - Plans Rumours And War Propaganda For Attacking Syria - Revolution - June 19 2012
The standalone expansion to the award-winning Total War™: SHOGUN 2 explores the conflict between the Imperial throne and the last Shogunate in 19th century Japan, 400 years after the events of the original game. A dramatic clash of traditional Samurai culture with the explosive power of modern weaponry. Author: Arsenalrobert Duration: 11:40
Photos for video Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai - Let's Play Walkthrough Gameplay Part 29 (Imperial Satsuma) Ending Il programma nucleare iraniano solleva opinioni contrapposte. Il vice-direttore generale dell'AIEA, Herman Nackaerts, sostiene che Teheran sia pronta a risolvere le questioni in sospeso. Non ne Author: euronewsit Duration: 5:20
Photos for video euronews interview - Dennis Ross: un'azione militare in Iran
In this episode Rob tells the best lies ever and pretends to be Mr. Exciting in order to score some DiGiTS - it certainly helps if the girl is gullible - the hard part is when you have to back it up... Subscribe Facebook: Tweet-tweet: Myspace: Declassified: DiGiTS is a web tv show about what it takes to get a girl's number. Follow us around NYC to see what it takes to get a set of DiGiTS. Each episode tries out a new pick-up tactic or challenge. While we don't claim to be PUAs, practice the 'Mystery Method', or wearing smoking jackets like Hef, our hope is that DiGiTS is entertaining and will inspire you to have no fear when approaching the ladies. TAGS: "best ever" "best lie ever" "best lies to tell" "ever told" digits rob lesley president barak obama funny politics "sexy girls" sexy PUA "pick up artist" "pick up lines" "digits declassified" digitsdeclassified Author: digitsshow Duration: 2:38
Photos for video The Best Lie Ever Told (DiGiTS - Ep. 39)