Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11

Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11Subscribe To My Channel- Ron Paul Shits On Fox News Debate Moderator, I have made the case that Ron Paul is not only changing the Republican Party, but is catering to a new, emerging electorate that eschews the big government aspects of both parties. Writing today at, Timothy Stanley makes some of the same observations: Paul's campaign represents a message that is bigger and perhaps more popular than the candidate himself. As it continues to collect small numbers of delegates and capture control of local GOPs, Paulism is proving itself to be in rude health. Long after Mitt Romney is nominated, feted at the convention, beaten by Obama and recycled as a question on Jeopardy ("In 2012, he lost every state but Utah." "Who is ... Britt Gormley?"), Paul's philosophy will still be a factor in national politics — something to be feared and courted in equal measure... I have to declare a great deal of affection for Paul. Unlike other politicians, he seems motivated by ideas — and he communicates his passion with the zeal of a nutty professor detailing the thrilling possibilities of quasars and black holes. This is a doctor who refused to accept Medicare payments but lowered his prices for patients who couldn't afford him, who declined a government pension and never voted for a tax increase, who told Republicans they need to end the War on Drugs (and most other wars, too). He's pure... Paul's 2012 candidacy has had certain hidden successes. Aside from all the <b>...</b>
Author: TheLiberalPacifist
Duration: 2:51

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Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11
Video Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11 Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11 Ron Paul Owns Fox News On 9/11

Friday, May 4, 2012

Illuminati Myths EXPOSED

Illuminati Myths EXPOSEDFACEBOOK: TWITTER: GOOGLE+ : NEWS CHANNEL (FTDNews): WEBSITE: Who is Illuminati and how does it affect us??? ****************************** ***RIDDLE OF THE WEEK: A woman with no driver license goes the wrong way on a one-way street and turns left at a corner with a no left turn signal. A policeman sees her but does nothing. Why? ****************************** Music at end by DJ ViperVexx: Intro by DarGadgetZ: ************* fresh til death freshtildeathonline Illuminati Freemason occult secret society conspiracy music industry exposed devil satan symbols baphomet illuminati symbolism movies hollywood alex jones david icke masonic freemason symbol film director disney 666 satan lucifer bohemiam grove george bush barack obama rothschild reptillian alien ufo coincidence montauk rainbow project 9/11
Author: freshtildeathonline
Duration: 4:46

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Illuminati Myths EXPOSED
Video Illuminati Myths EXPOSED Illuminati Myths EXPOSED Illuminati Myths EXPOSED

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious

Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and FuriousContempt of Congress PDF Produced by Obama Files
Author: Kris Zane
Duration: 6:35

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Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious
Video Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious

A Black Man's Hatred of Obama

A Black Man's Hatred of ObamaObama thinks he has the black vote in the bag. Nothing could be further from the truth! Obama has alienated every race, every ethnic group and every American citizen in the country. The United States is the laughing stock of the world since Obama took over as idiot in charge. If even the black people of the United States hate Obama, how can anybody else vote for him? For more hard hitting and informative videos, go to MyWebTeks vShare at
Author: MrExNavy
Duration: 2:28

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A Black Man's Hatred of Obama
Video A Black Man's Hatred of Obama A Black Man's Hatred of Obama A Black Man's Hatred of Obama

Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face.

Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face.Politics aside, Shepard Fairey's iconic Hope poster earned worldwide fame during Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. This is a Photoshop CS5 tutorial showing how to recreate it using a another face. PSD file:
Author: bluelightningtv
Duration: 8:09

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Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face.
Video Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face. Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face. Photoshop: How to Make Obama's HOPE POSTER using your own Face.

Les commentaires de la cha

Les commentaires de la chaPorto nous fait l'honneur d'analyser les commentaires de la cha
Author: Guzzproductions
Duration: 7:10

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Les commentaires de la cha
Video Les commentaires de la cha Les commentaires de la cha Les commentaires de la cha

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified

Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has QualifiedRon Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution. Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes. Even though others are now trying to sound like him, there is only one Ron Paul. And there is only one candidate who can beat Obama: Ron Paul. Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital. As a member of the US House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535
Author: kindly950
Duration: 0:20

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Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified
Video Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified