Investigative Journalist and RT Contributor Wayne Madsen says that the Philippines has become a major base for the operating of one of the most controversial private military companies in the US: Blackwater. Blackwater, which is now known as 'Xe' is apparently training private contractors for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Madsen explains why exactly these contractors are there and other US companies involved in similar matters. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 3:28
Photos for video Why is Blackwater in the Phillipines?
Excerpt of news story provided under fair use as commentary on political events. Excerpt exposes the details of Blackwater's apparently unconstitutional operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uploading for private reference & commentary review. For commentary purpose only on the political ramifications of this privately operated, publicly funded military group and its effect on our government's control over operations in foreign countries. Some excerpts from Jeremy's book are at: Author: LandOfoz266 Duration: 10:21
Photos for video Jeremy Scahill Exposes Blackwater - News & Political Commentary
White House officials admit Obama's extreme confidence and total euphoria over "hope" and "change" were symptoms of a prolonged manic episode. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:30
Photos for video White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase
An attempt to awaken slumbering apathetic Americans by showing them that the joke is on all of us. A joker won the presidency using the catch words "hope" and "change." We're still in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan has been expanded, trillions of dollars have been given to bail out banks, the House and Senate are passing draconian legislation on an almost daily basis. Obama is George Bush on steroids. Nothing has changed. He is just making a bad situation a whole lot worse. Please don't be fooled by the race baiting corporately owned media. This video is not racist. Author: kungfujones1 Duration: 5:40
Photos for video THE JOKE'S ON ALL OF US (obama joker contest)
Congress says that with no way to actually pay back our debts, faking a coup to eliminate financial obligations is the best plan for the US economy. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:30
Photos for video US Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt